A Friend Of Mine Was Raped By Passaic Social Worker Jonathan Berkowitz

Jewish Survivors posts:

WARNING: It could be dangerous to date Jonathan Berkowitz (AKA: Yochanan Berkowitz, Yohanatan Berkowitz, Jonathan Yochanan Berkowitz)

If you know of any single women in Passaic, NJ make sure they are aware that they could become the next victim of a sex crime if they date Berkowitz!

There have been several complaints made against Yochanan Berkowitz over the last few years of being sexually inappropriate on dates. There has also been one allegation of date rape. I’ve been told by a reliable source that the rabbonim of both Passaic and Monsey feel that Yochanan is ok to be dating, even though he has never under gone a evaluation by a mental health professional who specializes in evaluating alleged sex offenders.

Berkowitz’s past alleged victims seem to be young, beautiful women who are going through some sort of personal crisis.

From The Awareness Center:

There have been numerous allegations that Jonathan Berkowitz has been sexually inappropriate with women he has dated, which includes a case of alleged date rape back in 2004. The alleged survivor filed a police report, went through a rape exam at a local hospital and attempted to pursue this matter with the criminal court system.

A Grand Jury reviewed the matter and considered the evidence involved. As a result of its review, the Grand Jury did not find probable cause for the return of an indictment. Therefore, criminal prosecution was not pursued on this case.

Over the last several years The Awareness Center has also received several phone calls from various women regarding Yochanan Berkowitz’s behavior while dating. Many have described his behavior as being sexually inappropriate for an orthodox man. A common theme has been for Jonathan Berkowitz to present himself as a psychologist to potential dates, and to ask several women at the same time to date him exlusively.

Berkowitz’s rebbe is Avraham Braun, the principal of Ohr Somayech in Monsey. Rabbi Braun says Berkowitz is OK. Braun also supervised the notorious child molester-rabbi-psychiatrist Alan Horowitz in 1983 at Ohr Somayach.


According to the Awareness Center:

Alan Horowitz was first convicted back in 1983 in Maryland of performing an unnatural sexual act on the 12-year-old boy who was his patient and his eight year-old little brother. At the time Horowitz was sentenced to five-year probation.


The probation agreement included allowing Alan Horowitz to move to New York so that he could live study Torah at Ohr Somayach, Monsey, NY. He was court ordered to live on campus. Ohr Somayach is a Yeshiva serving young male students.

Dr. Horowitz was also court ordered to be in counseling under the care of Dr. Joseph F. Chambers (Maryland) and Dr. Rabbi Issac Twersky (Monsey, NY). As like many others who thirst in learning Torah, Alan Horowitz ultimately ending up studying abroad in Israel.

Alan Horowitz twice violated his probation from the sentencing in 1983. There is no documentation of how he violated it the first time, yet the second time was in November 1985, was when he made aliyah and moved to Israel. He returned to the United States in November, 1990 when he learned new charges were being investigated relating to him allegedly molesting children in the West Bank (Israel).

Past newspaper accounts stated Rabbi Alan Horowitz picked Schenectady in hopes of securing a rabbinical appointment. Apparently each time Horowitz moved he changed his name, using the alias Shneor Altar in Israel, Alan Horowitz in New York and Mike Sonkin in Iowa.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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