Everywhere in the world, blacks have a higher unemployment rate than whites and asians.
Black unemployment in Ohio is 3.3 times higher than it is for whites. In Illinois, it’s also 3.3 times as high. And the disparity is similar across the country.
The black unemployment rate is more than double the white rate in 20 out of the 24 states with populations large enough for accurate estimates, according to new research on unemployment by state and race for the third quarter of the year. Nationwide, while the white unemployment rate was 5.1 percent in September, the black unemployment rate was 9.2 percent.
Comments at WP:
* This data is meaningless in isolation. It requires context. Are whites with similar levels of education and wealth more likely to be employed than Blacks?
Reporting numbers like this out of context is purposeful. It is designed to promote racial tension.
* There are more white businesses that hire than black businesses. With 2 equally qualified candidate, a white business will take the white guy first unless there is a goal to diversify or affirmative action like government positions. Most black businesses will likely hire the black guy and will likely have more blacks than whites on the payroll. If you go to a chinese restaurant or a mexican restaurant, do you often see a white or black person working there?
* The ghetto mentality does now allow for work, after five or six generations crime and welfare rule these groups with very little chance of change because they do not want to change. Just count the number of alarm clocks . . .
* If a certain segment of the population has a high high school dropout rate and a high rate of committing crimes, doesn’t logic tell you that they are less employable?
* Obama has created a safe haven for those who can but choose not to work. It just so happens a disproportionate number living off entitlements is proportionally higher in the black community. To the black community, keep voting for Democrats…its gotten you where you are today, which is no different than where you were 30 years ago. There will be no economic incentive for you to work with Democrats calling the shots.
* There are plenty of jobs out there for those who have no college education. The blacks don’t want them. Go down south sometime and look at all the building going on. There are jobs everywhere and you have to start somewhere. Its never at the top. Get a job, earn a living and get ahead in life.