WP: Build a wall on the border? No thanks, says San Diego.

Wisdom from the WP comments:

* What kind of B.S. article is this? Congressman Duncan Hunter (Sr) led for a wall being built that goes into the Pacific ocean and extends east to the Arizona border. And thank goodness it was built. We were being inundated with huge groups of illegals swarming across freeways, backyards, leaving crime and shattered lives in their wake. Creating new crossings either for automobile or by foot is a good idea but don’t even try and promote those crossing which are designed for LEGAL immigration with some type of open border La Raza inspired political ideology.

* San Ysidro gets 200,000 some days.
it’s a favorite crossing for drug traffickers
one person can carry enough heroin inside them to have a street value of $300,000.
and it’s safer for them too,
they don’t have to risk being robbed by other mexicans in the remote border areas.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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