Paul Singer Backs Marco Rubio

Comments to Steve Sailer:

Paul Singer announced yesterday that he is throwing his support behind Rubio. Singer is a billionaire hedgefund manager and prominent bundler for Republican candidates. The issues he primarily cares about are Israel, “immigration reform” (and we all know what that really means), and gay-rights,…..oh, and also in forcing governments to pay off their debts, as that’s how he’s made a lot of his money. So we could expect a President Rubio to push “comprehensive immigration reform”, to continue the neo-con program of open-ended US military involvement in the middle-east, and to stand out of the way whenever the homosexual lobby wants to push thier latest proposal for gaying up America.

By the way, someone should ask Rubio, who will undoubtedly get a lot of support from the FOX News demographic which is opposed to gay marriage, why he is now accepting millions of dollars from Paul Singer, who was instrumental in getting the New York state legislature to legalize gay-marriage. Something tells me that nobody at FOX news will ever ask him that.

* The Pro-Immigration side is not monolith. The high tech business want an endless stream of HB-1 types while the Ag lobby wants nothing that will interfere with stoop labor such as a fence or better documents, and so on. The religious types want refugees while the ethnic lobby want family reunification. This is why they maintain such a rigid front. Once one part crumbles it will be easy to pick apart the rest. What Trump needs to do is ruthlessly go after after one portion of the coalition in addition to everything else. He could focus on a fence which would be visible and tangible but would only keep out the wetbacks or he could go after E-Verify which would undermine the business lobby.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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