Do Blacks Want To Be Policed By Whites?

Different groups tend to have different norms, different evolutionary group strategies, and so when you have diversity, you have conflict.

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Ultimately the black community does not want to be policed. We do hear about blacks calling for the police to “do something” about crime, but then they circle the wagons around extremely unsympathetic characters like Mike Brown, Kajieme Powell, Trayvon Martin, etc.

* (You can add OJ Simpson to that list).

Totally agree. Blacks want to opt out of what civilized societies require in terms of keeping the peace. The problem is that white guys (and now girls as well) want to be the hard ass savior/warrior. It is why whites join the armed forces in vast majorities despite the fact that the US government and the people really do not care how they are treated once their service is finished (ever been in a V.A.? talk about medieval….). The same with police. That white guy should have not gone near that girl with a 10 foot pole. But he just couldn’t help himself trying to be the keeper of all that is good. He is one dumb ass and now he is going to pay. Wouldn’t walking out and getting a doughnut have made more sense once he confronted the situation? Hell yes….


* But being an ever-shrinking minority won’t stop the scapegoating. With South Africa’s economy hitting the skids, MSM outlets are laying the rhetorical groundwork for some ugly stuff. Whites are now <9% of SA's population and <5% of births (facts not disclosed in either of these articles), but they're STILL messing everything up for the equalists! * Sprinkling migrants around is what Germany is doing these days. Thousands a day pull into the Munich train station. They are fed, watered and loaded on other buses and trains that fan out on five major routes across Germany. They are distributed in small groups to villages, in bigger bunches to town, and in mobs to cities. A perfect testbed for the Chetty/Brooks Plan. Why don’t we see how Germany does with their massive Chetty/Brooks integration and improvement program before we start gathering up all the blacks in Detroit, St. Louis and Chicago and busing them out to the sticks? Somehow I think that the Chetty/Brooks Plan is going to require hundreds of billions of dollars in incentives (read “bribes”) to persuade black folks to move, onesies and twosies, out to the sticks to live with white folks. Every rural town can have its own fully subsidized Negro family, hanging around like cigar store Indians. Why in the world would any white or Negro American listen to any of the foolishness these Indians and Jews come up with? What on earth do they know of us? Let them solve the grotesque problems of their national homelands before they diddle with us. Israel and India (Pakistan?) would be wonderful testbeds.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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