Life Is A Struggle Between Competing Groups

Different groups have different interests.

Wisdom from the Chateau:

* “All life is struggle. From the moment a small boy understands that he’s afraid to climb a jungle gym, or run fast, or stand his ground against another boy. He struggles to overcome his smallness, weakness, fear. Every girl learns that sometimes a finer girl will take what she wanted for herself.
There is struggle from the moment you are born until the moment you are too old to struggle so you let go and slide toward restful death.
What made the anti-Whites, the cucks, and the defeatist think that the Inspired Race would just stop struggling?”

* “If you shut up truth and bury it under the ground, it will but grow, and gather to itself such explosive power that the day it bursts through it will blow up everything in its way.”
― Émile Zola

* We are starting to see pushback from Whites against the reigning Equalist Narrative, and this pushback is increasing with frequency, fervor, and confident execution — just as this ‘umble outpost of love predicted years ago would happen once the malignant reality of Diversity™ made the battle lines starker and the craven expediency of ignoring the animosity unsustainable.

* The resistance taught now follows a lot of game principles. It’s like Mr. Miyagi teaching Daniel wax on, wax off. And then – hey! It’s not just for floors!

* Speaking of Karate Kid, one scene I really enjoy is when Miyagi’s asking him if he’s ready to learn karate.
“Yeah I guess so,” Daniel replies. (Typical US teenager response)
Miyagi schools him and tells him it’s either a full commitment or it’s not. You’re either in 100% or you’re not. There’s no in between, no “kinda, sorta, maybe, if only, etc.” Tell him about the bug…..”otherwise, squish, just like bug.”

* Where are the male friends of these abject betas to slap some sense into them?

* Chateau: A reader came up with an excellent idea: use reverse psychology (the old-fashioned term for trolling) against the women who exploit beta male chumps for money and emotional support without giving the betas any sex in return.

The concept is simple. Whenever you come across an attention whore on social media bragging to anyone who will listen about the asexual lump she keeps around as a “great friend” to “help raise her child (which is not his)”, you slyly imply, or directly state if that’s your style, that she and her beta toy “look like a great couple together!! ❤️❤️”

Attention Whoring Beta Exploiting Sociopath: “This is my best friend, Chodester McChode! He buys me stuff!”

Despicable You: “Aw you guys are so cute together! It’s obvious you two are in love.”

Attention Whoring Beta Exploiting Sociopath: “Whaaat? No, we’re not together….”

Despicable You: “Stop trying to be so modest. We get it, you have a real catch, and you don’t want to make your girl friends jealous.”

Attention Whoring Beta Exploiting Sociopath: “No, really… don’t get the wrong idea….. OMG I can’t belive you think that??!”

Despicable You: “Look at you playing coy. Come on, we can all see what a great match he is for you. You’re not going to do better honey!”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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