Religious Diversity Causes Friction

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Islam has never shown itself to be compatible with anything. Actually no major religion is compatible with any other in a societal sense. They all have significant world view differences that cause friction. The only way to avoid it is to have an authoritarian secular government that suppresses those beliefs and forces everyone to have behave the way the government wants.

The West has mistakenly applied the lessons of the Reformation and the wars that followed to religions and beliefs that are vastly different from Christianity. Two sects of Christians that have different beliefs on infant baptism, while religiously important, are minor quibbles compared to the differences of Christianity and Islam.

* “We can live if they keep their headscarves on.”

Perhaps, but the goalposts will shift over time.

First they will be allowed to “keep their headscarves on” but gradually, over the years, the corrosive effects of permissive Western moral standards will erode our Muslim women’s sense of propriety and they will let slip the veil, exposing more and more of their bodies to the lascivious gaze of lecherous Western males until, taken to its logical conclusion, the formerly modest Muslim woman will be seen wearing her scarf as the bottom part of a topless bathing suit, parading before all her charms and you of the West will have succeeded in your treacherous plan first to wreck, then undermine and finally incorporate our culture’s magnificent, modest women into your vile jumble of a society.

We will never allow you to dishonor our nieces this way.

* It’s really fatiguing to live in this total propaganda environment where just about every means of communication is heavily larded with all sorts of messages intended to influence one’s thinking. This is why many people have turned off the television for good and don’t bother much with newspapers, in effect withdrawing and tending to one’s own little garden. It’s gotten to be downright personally insulting. The well known quote of Theodore Dalrymple regarding the purpose of communist propaganda holds doubly true over here.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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