Steve Sailer: Steve Jobs: Nature, Nurture, And Apricot Orchards In Silicon Valley

Steve Sailer writes in 2012:

Slugger Yogi Berra liked to say, “You can observe a lot by watching.” And you can observe a lot about what modern Americans actually value just by watching their heroes.

Nobody in recent memory earned more lavish obituaries than Steve Jobs, cofounder of Apple Inc. He was immediately beatified as a secular saint following his death on October 5th of cancer at age 56.

A middle-class white Baby Boomer, a child of the Sixties, Jobs vastly appealed to the middle-class white Baby Boomers who still dominate culturally.

Yes, I realize we Baby Boomers are insufferable. But you are going to miss us when we are gone. The “diverse” America of the future is going to be a lot less interesting.

For example, in an upcoming CNN documentary Black in America, scheduled to air November 13, Soledad O`Brien exposes the scandal that few blacks have been allowed to found their own successful high tech firms.

Blogger Michael Arrington has gotten himself in lots of trouble for admitting in an interview with O`Brien that he doesn`t think this is caused by discrimination. Vivek Wadwha and Anil Dash piled on Arrington. (Of course, nobody mentioned the similar lack of Mexican-Americans in Silicon Valley.)

Ironically, in his new authorized but frank and judicious biography, Steve Jobs, Walter Isaacson lets slip this about the seven executives of the hugely successful new management team that Jobs built at Apple in the last decade:

“Even though there was a surface sameness to his top team—all were middle-aged white males—there was a range of styles.”

Of course, it`s hardly a surprise, at least to readers, that Apple under Jobs didn`t employ many blacks or Hispanics in high-level positions. What`s more intriguing is that East Asian or South Asian names are also rare throughout the 630 pages of Steve Jobs.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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