Jewish Group Vow to Destroy Future Careers of Campus Anti-Israel Activists

I think it would be weird if Jews did not organize to hurt the careers of people dedicated to hurting them.

Robert Lindsay writes:

Looks like Jews have set up a new organization called the Canary Mission to uncover campus anti-Israel activists in order, as the video implies, to destroy their chances of having a career after graduation.

Many of the profiled are Arab Muslims. I assume that many are Palestinians. Here are the lists, and yes, many of them are Arabs. Good Lord Arab women are beautiful!

This is creepy as Hell, but the Jews are very good at menacing their critics in this way.

I remember when I was debating on the Usenet Israel and Jewish groups, the Super Jews on there were always menacing their critics, threatening us, including lots of death threats, and threats to uncover our real identities, track us down, and post all of our personal information including real name, address, phone number, arrest record and any dirt they could dig up on us.

They especially wanted our employers so they could try to get us fired from our jobs. They also threatened to get us in trouble with police and government services agencies. In addition, they kept extensive documentation of all of our posts.

One Jewish woman really creeped me out because apparently she had some sort of a database of everything I had said on the group and she was always digging through it to post some incriminating thing I had said some time earlier. It creeped the Hell out of me and I really started hating her.

I don’t think this campaign was very successful at silencing critics because more often people would come into the group with a pretty fair-minded opinion of Jews but after a while of this abuse, they would turn into wild antisemites.

They would come in saying, “Well, I’ve had a lot of Jewish friends and I admire the Jews very much,” and after six months, they would almost be raving, drooling Nazis.

The Jews seemed to be making people hate or dislike them even more, but God knows, maybe that was the plan after all? Maybe Jews love to make and have enemies (as long as they are not too lethal of course) so they can play the victim role better and in order to scare Jews away from assimilation and breeding out.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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