Blogs: All The News That Fits

Kevin Roderick posts:

Today’s Times Opinion section runs another piece proclaiming the blogosphere lacking — this time in factual political reporting. It read to me as if journalism professor Michael Skube wasn’t familiar with the trend toward blogs by political journalists, and toward more good journalistic blogs by non-pros. Well, it turns out Skube hadn’t even read at least one of the websites he mentions — Talking Points Memo is specifically known for its original reporting efforts — and the professor says Times editors inserted it in his piece.

Jay Rosen posts:

Retire, man. I’m serious. You’re an embarrassment to my profession, to the university where you teach, and to the craft of reporting you claim to defend. It is time for you to quit, as you’ve clearly called it quits on learning— and reporting. Ring this guy up and ask him to go bass fishing or something. You’re not doing anyone any good— you’re just insulting your own bio. And when you’re done lecturing us on “the patient fact-finding of reporters,” tell the godforsaken LA Times they’re going to have to run a correction. The Post hasn’t won a Pulitzer for its reporting on Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

I emailed Michael Skube Monday morning with the header "When was the last time you broke a story?":

Dear professor,

As a blogger, I do it all the time and the MSM follows me (examples include the disintegration of LA mayor Antonio Villaraigosa’s marriage, an HIV epidemic in the porn industry, Anthony Pellicano’s latest troubles (broke on my blog in 2002 days before the MSM)….

In fact, I doubt there is anyone in the MSM who has broken as many stories over the past decade as I have on my blogs.

Sure, you can write opionated op/eds for the LA Times etc, but do you ever do any groundbreaking reporting or do you just pontificate about it?

It’s curious that you will allow an LAT editor to insert disparaging comments in your name about a blog (TPM) you say you don’t read. Most journalists I know would be embarrassed to do such a thing. Do you feel any embarrassment or are such facts just an annoyance to you?

Skube did not respond. I guess it has been a long time since he’s broken a story. I guess he feels like he can pop off with his unresearched and unfactual opinions without having to defend himself. Nice gig being a shoddy journalism professor.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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