Jews & Immigration

David emails: Your blog is one of the must-reads on my RSS feed.

I am Jewish and I am horrified by the American Jewish establishment’s open embrace of a policy of unrestricted invasion of our country (and, indeed, all Western countries) by an unassimilable horde of third-worlders. It occurred to me that one reason for Jewish enthusiasm for open borders (except in Israel) has to do with the memory of the world’s unwillingness to accept Jewish refugees from Europe in the 1930s. Perhaps, they think, if a norm of free migration of refugees is established, then Jews will never need to worry about this situation repeating itself, even if Israel no longer exists. What these fools don’t understand is that 1) the third world invaders will change their host countries so as to be less welcoming to others (cf the Muslim world’s lack of interest in helping their fleeing co-religionists), and 2) the rules are ALWAYS different for Jews — even if free immigration becomes the norm, there will always be an exception made for Jews.

It aggravates me off to no end that although Jewish people have largely thrived in the West, and have enjoyed the goodwill of the Christian majority, they do their best to destroy those demographic conditions which have allowed them and their Christian countrymen to thrive, and then piss all over the Christian majority’s culture, to boot.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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