Donald Trump Needs To Move To The Comfort Phase Of His Seduction Of The American Voter

From Chateau Heartiste: Under the classic Game model of picking up girls, Trump has passed through all three stages of the Attraction phase of his seduction of the American voter.

– He has approached the people and opened them.
– He has created attraction and demonstrated his high(er) value to the people through a mix of effective game techniques (anchors, reframes, cocky/funny, body language, AMOGing, push-pull, and storytelling).
– He has forced the other candidates to qualify themselves to him and has refused to comply with the hoops thrown at him by the antagonistic media.

Trump’s Game has been masterful so far. The people are intrigued. Mass Vaginal Tingles (MVT) rocket through the electorate. But this is not enough. It’s one thing to arouse the people to curiosity; it’s quite another to take the people home and bang them silly.

Trump needs to move on now to the Comfort/Trust Phase of his seduction of the American voter. It’s time for him to:

– Build rapport with the people. The Game is played in rapport. This is where Trump must elicit the electorate’s values, mirror those values back to them, and capture and lead their imagination.
– Build an emotional connection with the people. Trump must tap into the deepest fears and hopes and desires of the people and have them believe he is the one who “gets them”.
– Get intimate with the people. At this stage, Trump is speaking past the media gatekeepers directly to the voters, and moving them into position for the final seduction and relinquishment.

The Comfort Phase of Trump’s seduction of the American voter means he has to start spelling out his policy proposals (values) and winning the voters over with promises of something deeper and more intimate than bombastic displays of his alpha sexiness. It shouldn’t be too hard, but it will require some more patience and temperance from him. He’ll have to spend time learning at least cursory details of policies (women) that may otherwise not interest him.

It’s time to “get real” with the people and kiss some babies (women). When he has earned their trust, he will be able to move this glorious love affair to his bedroom for the finishing move — the presidency.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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