Lisa Goldman: How Jewish Skepticism on Refugees Boils Down to Double Standards

For more than 150 years, a solid majority of Americans have been against further immigration, but with few exceptions, their wishes have been denied.

The critiques that the new immigrants were inferior in their citizenship to the type of people who founded the United States were accurate.

Lisa Goldman responds to Deborah Lipstadt: “The great wave of Jews from Eastern Europe that came over in steerage in the 1880s, 1890s and first decade of the 20th century did not come with passports. They did not speak English. They were economic migrants — pogroms were not the main push factor, as prominent Jewish historians like Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi have shown in their research. They immigrated under America’s open door policy. And they did not know from democracy. A few of them became mobsters, but the vast majority became productive and proud citizens within one generation.”

A million of these Jews became communists and socialists. Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe pushed American politics and culture to the left and changed the country from 90% white to racially mixed by pushing for non-white immigration.

Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ somewhere between 108-120. Syrians have an average IQ of 83. Arabs have an average IQ of 85. That’s a good predictor of which group will become productive citizens and which group will constitute a drain.

Lisa Goldman: “But the bottom line is that every human being has the right to live in a place that is safe and allows them to earn enough for food, shelter and clothing.”

Who says? No country has the right to exist. That depends on its own power and will and capability. Similarly, no person has the automatic right to food, shelter and clothing. These privileges are the fruits of a productive high IQ society. When a country has an average IQ over 96, its citizens tend to be fed, clothed and housed. When a country has a lower average IQ, it is more troubled.

Lisa Goldman: “Since the establishment of the E.U. and the end of the Cold War, millions of Europeans have migrated around the continent — many of them born and raised in countries that have no tradition of democracy. But no one is asking if the 78,000 Poles living in Sweden or the 79,000 Hungarians living in England can adapt to the values of their new country. Perhaps this question is asked more frequently of brown people in general and of Muslims specifically.”

We have no evidence that Muslims can assimilate en masse to Western norms. Ninety percent of recent Middle Eastern refugees in America are on welfare.

Comment on “Goldman’s analogy with turning away Jews during the Holocaust doesn’t fly. There are a multitude of Muslim states in the region that are available to accept Muslims. There
was not a Jewish state to accept Jews.
Had a Jewish state existed at the time, European Jews would have had
where to go. Big difference as to what faces Muslims today and what
faced Jews during the Holocaust.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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