Danielle Berrin: Germany’s moral courage

Danielle Berrin writes:

While the rest of Europe fretted over what to do about a crisis that is being called “the largest wave of emigration since World War II,” Germany, led by its courageous and moral Chancellor Angela Merkel, signaled its willingness to heed the call of millions of desperate refugees, many of whom have been rendered stateless by the war in Syria and other Middle East crises.
While the United States has sat idly by, draped in its aggrandizing values of justice and liberty for all, its political passivity partly responsible for the refugee crisis to begin with, Germany steps forward with leadership and humanity.
While the Gulf States of Qatar, Kuwait, Saudia Arabia and the United Arab Emirates defend themselves against charges of apathy and indifference, Germany opens its arms. “You can’t welcome people who come from a different atmosphere, from a different place, who suffer from psychological problems, from trauma, and enter them into societies,” Kuwaiti commentator Fahad Al-Shelaimi, chairman of the Gulf Forum for Peace and Security, said last March during a televised address on France24’s Arabic channel.
The Gulf States – and the United States – have a few things in common: Both have opened their checkbooks (Saudi Arabia: $18.4 million; Kuwait: $304 million; U.S.: $1.1 billion), while refusing to open their borders. Instead Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan, whose per capita incomes are but a fraction of those in the Gulf States, have absorbed the largest number of refugees (Turkey: 2 million; Lebanon: 1.2 million; Jordan: 630,000). The U.S. has agreed to a paltry 1,500.
So far, only Germany, and her neighboring Austria, have risked their own stability and security to absorb these fleeing refugees, with Germany expecting to receive 800,000 this year alone.
The country’s compassion moved the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to praise Germany, Austria and “civil society” itself for their “remarkable” response to the crisis. “This is political leadership based on humanitarian values,” said a UNHCR statement issued on Sept. 5. Newsweek declared Germany’s Chancellor Merkel “Europe’s Conscience.”

The comments on the article are funny:

* The children of these “migrants” will not assimilate. They will become Islamist fanatics.

* And, payback for the 6 million Jews. Danielle, I suggest that your quote from our rosh hashana prayer, i.e. “haras” (ashkenazic pronunciation) which means “pregnant”, if spelled with a “samech”(last letter of the word) instead of a “tav” would mean “destruction”. It’s payback time.

* There are so many young men among the refugees. They should be organized into military units, trained and certainly in part commanded by western cadre to return home and fight for their country. Those who won’t take up arms in their own defense do not deserve sanctuary.

* Europe will rue the day that they allowed these Muslim savages into their country. Even now you don’t dare publish a cartoon of their precious Mohamed without an attempt on your life . You stupid fools; your not practicing humanity, your embracing cold hard suicide. Europeans will die from what you are doing today. Tomorrow SHARIA LAW!!!

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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