The Myth Of Black Criminality?

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* West Virginia is the 2nd poorest state in the nation by median income. It ranks 32nd in homicide rate (i.e. only 18 states are safer). It’s homicide rate of 3.0 per 100,000 is only barely above that of Norway (2.2). 3.5% of West Virginia’s population is black.

Maryland is the richest state in the nation by median income. It has the 3rd highest murder rate in the nation. It’s homicide rate of 7.3 per 100,000 ranks it alongside countries like Pakistan (7.7) and Chad (7.3). Maryland has 3rd highest percentage of blacks in the nation at 29.4%.

* I wish White privilege really did exist in real life. I am talking about the kind of White privilege seen in the SNL parody video featuring Eddie Murphy in White face. I wish random White people on the streets and in banks would just come up to me to hand me free money and free stuff in general simply because we are of the same race. I wish random attractive White women on public buses would sit on my lap and flirt with me simply because I am White.

* Attacking TNC is like picking on a special needs kid. The real question is why did the Atlantic hire him and why do white Liberals love him so much. From a conservative perspective, his dumbness is actually useful. In fact, a bunch of racist liberals – resentful that they had to give a job to a affirmative action black – couldn’t have picked a worse black spokesman.

* Frankly, I don’t care very much about what the “premiere” American intellectual Ta-Nehisi Coates thinks about anything. Everyone knows he is a joke.

I do care very much what Jeffrey Goldberg and Yoni Appelbaum who “oversee” TNC think. Jeffrey and Yoni are extremely intelligent and have incredible political influence. TNC is just a sock puppet that will be tossed to the side once he utters the word “Palestine” in the presence of his financial benefactors.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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