Spectator: Why does the left care more about Islamophobia than anti-Semitism?

Brendan O’Neill writes:

Why do leftists care more about Muslims than they do about Jews? If that sounds confrontational, consider this: this week, the Met Police released the latest hate-crime figures for London. They show that offences against Jews have risen by 93% over the past year, while offences against Muslims have risen by 70%. And guess which story the BBC, Guardian and Independent, those voices of the British liberal conscience, have chosen to flag up? Yep, the 70% hike in Islamophobic attacks, not the nearly 100% hike in anti-Semitic offences.

The BBC’s headline is ‘Islamophobic crime in London “up by 70%”‘. The Guardian‘s is ‘Hate crimes against Muslims soar in London’. The Indie opts for ‘Hate crimes against Muslims in London “up by 70%”‘. What about the crimes against Jews? Sorry, no room for those. They aren’t mentioned. Whether as a result of how the cops chose to press-release their new figures or how editors chose to interpret them, or maybe a bit of both, someone down the line has taken the decision that a bashed-up or verbally abused Muslim is more newsworthy than a bashed-up or verbally abused Jew.

This is becoming increasingly common. For some reason, so-called progressives, especially those of a leftist bent, are made more upset by hatred of Muslims than they are by hatred of Jews. It’s why the very people – Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Diane Abbott, every leftie on Twitter – who normally rail against racism, and against the people who rub shoulders with racists, could in essence say ‘What’s all the fuss?!’ when it was revealed Jeremy Corbyn had been hanging out with Holocaust deniers.

Brian emails:

You make excellent points with respect to this strange emphasis but would you agree this might be the inevitable consequence of the left (Jewish left?) deconstructing union/worker based solidarity and replacing it with the this effort to balkanize EVERYONE not in the dominant culture.

And this conflict between Jews and Muslims would not be an issue if not for Jewish leadership emphasizing non-white immigration.

What’s genuinely inexplicable to me is the lack of coherent conversation within the Jewish community around the topic of … “we rabidly support Muslim immigration … and Muslim are being mean to us.”

Do you have an insight? Writings ?

Luke – you are very brave. It takes a kind of singular courage to follow your beliefs to their logical and ethical ends.

Luke: As more Jews get murdered by Muslims, this might shift.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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