Steve Sailer: Obama Administration Penalizes Nebraska Slaughterhouse for Trying to Avoid Hiring Illegal Aliens

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* So, just to recap:

1) It’s a crime to hire an illegal alien.
2) It’s also a crime to verify that a potential hire is not an illegal alien.

I tip my hat to whoever thought this one up.

* Obama is not on the side of America. A job opening at Nebraska Beef will be known in Tegucigalpa before it is known in South Sioux City which is why almost all the job ‘creation’ Obama brags about have gone to immigrants and not American citizens since he took office. Companies no longer have to advertise for open positions as they are filled as they become available through immigrant employee word of mouth networks. This type of discrimination is the REAL problem not the faux discrimination the Administration looks to prevent. An unemployed 2o something black American has no chance of applying for a job if he never learns that their is a job available to apply for.

Then there is the H-1b visa scandal. Microsoft or IBM can announce on Monday they will be letting five or ten thousand employees go and on Tuesday say they can’t find anyone in the US with the skills they need to fill positions at their company yet the ‘right person’ somehow exists in Mumbai even though that person has zero work experience.

* Checked out the demographics of Sioux City high schools (best way to see into the future). All but one is around 50% white and ~30-45% Hispanic. Knowing the area somewhat long ago, I would imagine that back in the 80s, those numbers were closer to ~80% white (maybe higher in many of the schools) and less than 10% Hispanic.

Diversity comes to the Heartland.

I’m sure that the whites (and blacks) of the area couldn’t be more thrilled. I for one welcome our new Hispanic overlords.

I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating. There’s something seriously f@#$*d-up with whites. A large chunk of our people welcome this (witness the Germans handing out donuts and coffee at German train stations to their replacements) while the slight majority of whites grumble quietly and vote for a party that does absolutely nothing to stem the tide – indeed, promotes it.

As an HBDer, I just have to assume that we were breed for an environment that no longer exists and that we’re on our way out genetically. As a father with daughters, I’m not exactly pleased. The best that I can do is put some pride for their people in their hearts, but I’m fighting our entire society so I’m a bit outgunned.

* Hiring illegal aliens and voter fraud / voting rights, the two of the raison d’etre for motivating black and Hispanic voters, both revolve around the inability to accurately identify someone’s identity. As a technical problem this is very easy to fix by mandating our government only using and issuing tamper proof, machine readable, bio-metric ID. The technology keeps getting better and better but we are still having this silly argument with the same people who keep dragging their feet.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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