Kuwaiti Official: “We Should Never Allow Refugees in our Country”

Kuwaiti Official Fahad Al Shalami refers to Syrian refugees as “psychologically disturbed.” He says: “Kuwait and other Gulf Cooperation Council countries are too valuable to accept any refugees… In the end, it is not right for us to accept people who are different from us.”

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* When Sarrazin wrote GERMANY ABOLISHES ITSELF, I had no idea how fast it would happen.

But then, look how fast US changed in two decades. When a nation begins to go crazy, there’s no stopping it.

* I stumbled upon a funny example of MSM purposefully ignoring immigrant crime that you might appreciate. It’s about the Stockton, CA bank robbery. All the liberal MSM usual suspects only focus on the fact that those evil police used lots of bullets in their shootout with three violent bank robbers. Information on the suspects is conspicuously absent from most articles. I finally found one by sfgate.com that listed the names of all three suspects. They all have hispanic names. I guess they also do the bank jobs that Americans won’t do. There is also another suspect who did not participate in the robbery but merely dropped the robbers off at the bank. Also hispanic. I immediately knew that all suspects were Hispanic when the Washington Post chose not to print their names. All the weeping and gnashing of teeth about guns and cops and nothing about who actually committed the crime makes this one of the most transparent examples of the Post’s anti-Americanism I have ever seen.

* Typical piece by the Western media (though more thoughtful and balanced than most).

It blames everyone — rebels, Assad, Blair, Cameron, Obama, Saudis, Turkey, etc. — but no mention of Israel and Jewish power.

It’s like talking about football without ever mentioning the quarterback.

* Some arabs on the “syriancivilwar” subreddit recently discussed the identity of the speaker and the video’s translation:

The Kuwaiti, Fahad Al Shalami (also spelled Fahed al-Shelaimi), is (according to Al Jazeera) a security analyst and former colonel in the Kuwaiti army. He gives an interview fluently in English at the following link.

He’s also the chairman of the Gulf Forum for Peace and Security (according to Al Arabiya). I can’t find any English sources on what the Gulf Forum for Peace and Security actually is. Possibly a Gulf Arab NGO, think tank, or intergovernmental org?


I’ve quickly looked through the Twitter, FB, and LiveLeak posts by IraqEnglish (which posted this clip on YouTube). Their content mainly consists of
– how grateful Iraqi Sunnis are to the Iraq government for freeing them from ISIS,
– how the Sunnis, Shias, and token minorities (such as the Christians and Yazidis) have united to defeat ISIS,
– how untrustworthy and cowardly the Kurds and the Pershmega are, and
– how the Gulf Arab states and the Saudis fuel terrorism in Iraq and Yemen.

IraqEnglish seems to be either the Iraq government’s English social media presence or a private individual or organization that’s sympathetic to the Iraq government. Its social media accounts were created in February and March of this year.

* Why not send them to Syria to defeat ISIS? These men were willing to risk their lives “for a better life” anyway, why not risk their lives to save their country and create a better life not just for themselves but their whole country?

* This may actually be Obama’s biggest legacy.

By destabilizing Libya, neglecting Iraq, and tacitly funneling arms to Syrian rebels, he busted the third world dam to Europe.

Also, by destabilizing Ukraine and hurting the Russian economy, it made it more difficult for Putin to lend a hand to Assad.

He may have carried out the greatest crime against the white race. Invading Lives Matter.

* When people’s primary sense of culture is disassociated from family, history, heritage, and culture, they fall to every ideological delusion, emotional whim, or vapid fashion.

Germans have lost their sense of Germanness in family and nation. They feel they have nothing to defend.

* Germany was once destroyed by racial narcissism/supremacism. Now it is being destroyed by moral narcissism/supremacism.

Racial arrogance led to aggression and being hated by other nations.

Moral grandstanding will lead to its demise and take down neighboring nations with it.

It will lead to sheer contempt for Germans who’ve chosen to abolish themselves.

* It is also extremely amusing — in a very dark way — that the countries generating the most refugees are Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya: All countries that the United States played a leading role in destabilizing.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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