Some practical applications of HBD


1. Immigration restriction. You need a certain number of high IQ people to keep a First World society going.
2. An end to affirmative action. Minority underperformance is not due to racism, so affirmative action is grossly unfair.
3. Discouraging dysgenics, i.e. not subsidizing single motherhood through welfare, regardless of disparate impact on minorities. See #1.
4. Shutting down movements to let minority prisoners out into society. (I’m open to other equally effective methods of controlling crime, but they should be applied to all, not just minorities.)
5. An end to blaming white racism for all the problems of the world.
5a. This may seem like mostly a minor annoyance. But really intellectual hygeine is reason enough to get rid of it. Forcing people to believe lies is generally corrupting.
5b. It prevents people from thinking seriously about solving the problems among low IQ groups. You can’t solve a problem unless you think clearly about its cause.

You could make a case for some of these things without recourse to HBD, but we all know how effective that has been. For example, you can’t just talk about IQ without talking about HBD. The disparities between high and low IQ racial groups just are there and are used to discredit the idea of IQ in general. These days you really have to quote chapter and verse with hard data to show you aren’t racist.

As for inferior, well that is a judgment call. In some important ways, blacks may be superior to whites and not just in regards to sports and celebrity. T. is Haitian and I’d note that Haitian art is just way better than anything done in America in the past 50 years or so.

Whites have created liberal modernity and it is not without its significant downsides, spiritual, artistic and even intellectual.

Of course, blacks and many of these other groups don’t seem very good at creating and maintaining a crime free, high tech society. Though I’d note that high levels of black crime and social dysfunction are at least partially a response to living in certain societies. I’ve visited St. Lucia, which is a very black place, and, up until the recent influx of tourodollars, it had been mostly crime free and is still relatively so. Blacks in the South up until the 1960s were relatively peaceful and well ordered too. But modernity + blacks seems to equal lots of crime and social dysfunction.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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