Putting Donald Trump On The Couch

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* The other thing that struck me was the odd claim that Trump is angry. I don’t pretend to know what Trump’s motivations are, but he is obviously having the time of his life. He is selling to people who are (justly) angry, but that is a different thing.

* Before reading Goldwag’s analysis of Trump, read Kevin MacDonald’s analysis of Freud.

* According to Goldwag’s logic, Israel is a seething mass of poor, poorly-educated, vastly insecure, compulsive, over-compensating Jews with small penises roiling with resentment at the entire world – Americans, latinos, Chinamen, Hindus, foreigners, Masons very much included – and run by finger-pointing demagogues.

* Why are they so afraid? Partially, because they know exactly what they have done to us and they know it was deliberate. They know they deserve to be cast down from their towers. It isn’t guilt, but it is the closest emotion they can feel that resembles guilt.

* Psychoanalyzing white christians is an old trick of the tribe. Google freud marx and jewish revenge. Richard Hofstadter wrote The paranoid style in American politics indicting American patriots as mentally unstable.

* Trump has a Jewish son in law, loves Israel, and Howard Stern thinks Trump is terrific. Upper class East Side Media Jews will hate Trump, while the Stern listeners and so on will love him.

* Ann Coulter has publicly quoted Steve before. I’m especially impressed that this statement all but explicitly mentions the Jewish angle.

It would be an enormous improvement if we as a society could publicly acknowledge that Jews are like any other cultural or ethnic identity group in that they have their own strengths, weaknesses, biases, interests, etc. Get it out in the open.

It’s a wonderful thing to see a vocal philosemite like Ann Coulter speaking realistically about the Jewish role in the culture. You can criticize people without hating them.

* Maybe Jews are like the GOP. Led by a massively powerful elite who have their own agenda, and with a lot of rank-and-file who mostly just go along. But if rank-and-file Jews start thinking that the white Gentiles are not really the biggest threat, and start thinking that the elite does not really have their best interests at heart….

Maybe Jews need a Trump.

(I remember once reading a post about Jews and class that said something to the effect of “The moneylenders have very different interests from the deli owners.”)

* Reagan also saved the lives of about six dozen people when he worked as a lifeguard as a young man. That’s a greater tangible good than was ever performed by Clinton, Bush, Obama, or virtually the entire Republican field of 2016, save perhaps Ben Carson and Rand Paul.

* Trump needs to be cautious of the neocons in the Republican party who are out to get him. Trump went on the Hugh Hewitt show and was unable to answer a question about the Mideast, a subject to which most Americans are indifferent. Hewitt is a neocon and cares more about the security of Israel than the security of America.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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