IBT: Holocaust victims’ traumas could be passed onto their children in DNA


Mike writes: I thought for sure that Holocaust guilt and reparations would be ended after all the WWII survivors expired. But the efforts to extend Holocaust benefits is now gaining traction in a very creative way: epigenetics.

Rather than a personal injury, anti-Semitism is being recast as a genetic injury. A continuous, ongoing, injury inflicted on completely innocent Jewish babies for all eternity. That, my friends, is a moneymaker! The Germans (really, all white gentiles) will never be off the hook for Jewish guilt and reparations.

This poses a problem for us goyim. Once the Jewish Nation establishes genetic transference of anti-semitic injury, blacks are going to try to piggyback on the Jewish research. If blacks can determine epigenetic markers associated with slavery, they can similarly establish eternal reparations/guilt for black folks as well.

I say “try to” because black folks are going to have serious problems finding black geneticists who will crank out the “scientific” studies necessary to establish an eternal moral/legal claim.

Then again, Jewish geneticists may volunteer for the job and analyze black DNA for free. After all, if both Jews and blacks can claim a continuing genetic injury for the Holocaust and slavery, they would both be in a much better position to extract more guilt and cash from white gentiles forever. Instead of just (2%) American Jews (quite wealthy on average), they could glom onto an additional 13% blacks (quite poor on average), for a total of 15% of Americans (very poor on average) that eternally suffer at the hands of white Gentiles.

Think of it this way: how can affirmative action ever end when the injury and suffering is passed down epigenetically with each new generation?

This truly is a brilliant political maneuver. Periodically Google “holocaust epigenetic” to see if it is gaining traction.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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