Jewish Support For The Iran Deal

Pini Herman writes on FB: You may not see most of these people at the LA Jewish Federation….Could it be that they know its not the “big tent” it claims to be.
The LA Federation machers even sidestepped it’s own Board of Directors by having it’s Exec Jay Sanderson send out a letter attacking the Iran deal with only the backing of a small, insular executive committee. The insular, undemocratic common perception by the larger Jewish community, which supports the Iran deal, was confirmed. The Jewish backbone of secular Zionistic identified Jews of this community have gathered together to declare that they are are a legitimate Jewish leadership also and a rump group who have steered the LA Federation for years don’t represent their views.

Part of Orthodoxy is a low level of trust of non-Orthodox and civil society. Actually, no one expects the Orthodox establishment to be open to a Iran deal, least of all the Orthodox themselves. Orthodox relate to the non-Orthodox as “babies who were captured” and therefore ignorant of “appropriate attitudes” such as distrust of the non-Jew or non-Orthodox.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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