I just wish my conversion to Judaism went as smoothly as upgrading to Windows 10

* I upgraded to Windows 10 Thursday night. It took 80 minutes. After that, there have been few hassles.

* Acquaintance: “Why did you convert to Judaism?”
Luke: “I read Portnoy’s Complaint.”

* That was a fun debate. Let’s do it again, with even hotter blonde journalists!

I want that Colombian chick asking questions, the one who stars on that homo tv show about a homo family and who has those huge midos.

* How does the goy think he will stop being cucked if he can’t even turn off the sports to watch the Republican debate? All the bars are showing sports tonight. Why would these republican whores do what you want when you can’t even watch them a little bit?
The WNs don’t rebuke their brothers about this.

If Jews behaved like this, we would let them have it.

We have to explain everything to the WN goy. Everything!

* “Eighty percent of IQ is genetic and since brain power is very taxing in calories, it was adaptive for certain people to have less of it.” (James Tyhurst)


* My memo to America: Stop wanking and start an open dialogue about race.

Talking about race is a great palliative for sex addiction. You get to release your yayas and say things that would get you arrested in many countries.

* My bosses and parents over the years have repeatedly noted that I tend to put out the least effort possible. Hey, I’ve been saving myself for Facebook!

* Friend on FB: “How’s life treating you?”
Luke: “ok”
Friend: “TMI”

* Friend: “Did you meet anyone last night at your meeting?”
Luke: “No, but I got a lot of spiritual growth.”
Friend: “So you were hard all evening.”

* Friend: “He got hurt in an accident and he made no big deal about it.”
Luke: “Is he Jewish?”
Friend: “No.”

* It can be painful to be loved so much.

* If you want to figure out why you are doing something, stop doing it and it will become clear.

* Fear fades with action, prayer and repetition. (UA)

* Most addictions have a strong isolation quality. (UA)

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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