Michel Houellebecq’s “Submission” in English

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* This is nothing really new for Houellebecq whose output has always given vent to his depressive clarity. What is amazing is that he is still alive and can write at all. Few authors with Houellebecq’s level of mental illness would even get out of bed. I don’t know what drives this toothless, depressive genius to bother at all. I bet a squad of Islamists already tracked him down, but saw him chain smoking and drinking and gumming apple sauce and decided it wasn’t worth it.

* Houellebecq has written a book which predicts a future in which France has surrendered to Islam and the book has engendered a lot of discussion as well as outrage. How is that not fighting for anything or going with the flow? How many writers have the guts to do what Houellebecq has done? We need many more like him.

* Black bodies screaming that they want Europe to have open borders, hahahahahahahaha. Black bodies sure do have a love hate relationship with us White people. They can’t live with us, but they also sure as hell can not live without us. Black bodies know they suffer much higher rates of poverty when they live in countries run by Black body politicians. Black bodies love the generous welfare safety nest that White countries have to offer.

Black bodies do not want a racially balkanized world where the vast majority Black bodies live as far away from White people as possible because it does not financially benefit them. Black bodies want racial integration with Whitey because it financially benefits them.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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