Who Will The Democrats Nominate In 2016?

As Hillary Clinton falls apart, who steps up?

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* If the Democrats really wanted to throw a curveball at the American electorate they’d have Dore Gold run for the White House. Having the Connecticut-born Director-General of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs run for President would be just irresistible to rapture-ready Republican voters. They’d switch their votes just to hasten the second coming. Glen Beck would have a good cry and advise his fans to do the same. The GOP presidential candidate may even concede the race just to avoid accusations of anti-Semitism and of being soft on Iran.

* I really wish someone would ask Hillary about the UVA rape hysteria, and if it is ever okay to assume a woman is lying about a rape. Make her say it. If she says, no, women very rarely lie about rape so one should never assume, then ask her why she has stayed married to a rapist from multiple accusers. Why is she a rape apologist?

* Medi-Cal will be the battleground in California politics for the next 20 years. By that time DiFi and Babs will be moldering in their graves. It will subsume everything. Thanks to Obamacare, roughly 1/3 of Californians now get their coverage free through the state and they are all Democrats and vibrant people of color. There will be relentless pressure to tax people who currently pay for their health insurance (white people) to subsidize Medi-Cal patients so they can have the same access to providers and medical care as the other 2/3 of the population. In effect, Medi-Cal will be the back door to single payer. By forcing providers to accept it, there will be no reason for people to not take it because they will have the same level of care while paying nothing. It will crowd out the other health plans and become the only viable health plan left.

* Something else Tom Wolfe anticipated in Bonfire of the Vanities. His white assistant district attorneys look at the demographic tide in The Bronx and realize there’s no future for them at the highest level of the department, because, by the time they’re senior enough, the borough will be run by nonwhites.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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