Pathological White Altruism

Many Christians are destroying the West with their pathological white altruism.

Here’s an example:

Sister Sharon, 70, first met immigrant families when she was growing up near the Canadian border in a North Dakota farming town.

They were Spanish-speaking migrant workers from Mexico as well as California, Michigan, Oklahoma and Texas. She had not learned their language yet, so she accompanied a pastor to visit the workers and their families at their homes, at fiestas and Spanish-language Masses.

After she became a Presentation Sister, an order dedicated to serving the poor, she worked for 14 years in Peru, becoming fluent in Spanish, and then eight years at the United Nations.

Three years ago, she moved to San Antonio to work with immigrants. As soon as she heard children and families were being detained last summer, she started visiting them: first unaccompanied children, then women — so far more than 15.

“I believe in having two feet in anything,” Sister Sharon said. “I wanted to really feel the heart of people I was working with.”

Dozens of volunteers regularly make the hour’s drive south here from San Antonio.

Some are affiliated with the San Antonio-based Interfaith Welcome Coalition, a group of churches that united to help the immigrant families. They visit them in detention, ferry them to the bus station, find them lawyers and hand out donated supplies, packed in orange Whataburger bags.


* The “gate to freedom” should be the gate back into Latin America, sister…

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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