Blacks Dominating Debate Contests

Steve Sailer writes:

…college debate has collapsed into complete farce in recent years due to white and Asian people letting black contestants turn it into a contest over who is most black. (The black contestants don’t use the word “black” to describe themselves, however.) While the white-Asian teams discuss Constitutional law and social science findings regarding the debate’s official topic, the black teams ignore the subject they are supposed to be debating. Instead, they rap and twerk and denounce white women for shoving them while they were riding on the escalator when they were four.

And they win, because few white judges dare vote publicly against blacks acting stupid. (The secret ballot is an underrated thing.) That would be like admitting you read The Bell Curve….

It’s the main college debate organization.

Some people tried to start a Policy Debate organization recently to get back to serious debating, but it was denounced for racism.

It’s a pretty interesting example of how the logic of social justice war can destroy an institution that’s dedicated to logic but doesn’t have a lot of money to protect it.

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* The most memorable part during that rant by those two obese manly butch dyke looking Black “women” is when they mention the violence that Whiteness does to Black bodies.

Not even The Onion could come up with something this retarded.

White on Black violence is an epidemic in America is one of biggest political lies of the 21st Century. Repeat a lie long enough with your huge powerful Megaphone and eventually the dumb masses will believe it is true.

* I think most of the violence done to those black bodies was done by Captain Crunch, Twinkies, and Root Beer.

* It doesn’t bother me seeing negroes act that way. Given that American negroes have an average iq of 85, I have very low expectations for them in anything other than athletics.

It does bother me to see white people bowing and scraping to negroes acting like fools. Are these whites really that desperate for the approval of the negroes? Don’t they know that the negroes will hate them even more because of their obsequiousness?

* Wimmin and Persons of Colour (honorific capital intended, as is the dissing non capitalisation of oppressor groups) are the new benchmark for emotional restraint, the exemplars for considered and logical debate. It would be racist to suggest that” the greater the amount of melanin in the skin, the more emotionally continent the individual” but it’s not racist at all, because it is not offensive to persons of colour, and if white males can’t handle the truth about race and gender, then that be their white-assed problem, know what ah’m saying, y’all?
These two groups are rightly renowned for their legendary levels of unemotional and rational articulation on all matters pertain to themselves, they do not unjustly claim to be victims of White and /or male oppression, they are the Survivors
I thought that the Black Sisters use incoherence, hyper-ventilation and hysteria were a clever and yes, courageous , deliberate reclaiming of a cultural norm demonised by white racist misogynists.
The debater rapping brought tears to my eyes with his impassioned genius married so effectively to a massive Black contribution to Art.
Only Black Art keeps it real, white art is shit, know what ah’m sayin’, y’all?
Black art has been stifled by the white-assed patriarchy for centuries.
They imposed on us their white , anodyne and offensive-to-Black -ears shit like wagner, puccini, and that Jew guy, moe zart.
Racist white scum will tremble when they witness the oratorical genius of these debaters, the cannot help but marvel at their genius.
I believe I overheard some whites say so at the debate when I overheard the two janitors mumbling to themselves..
Due to the PTSD that I and all other Brothers and Sisters endure because of centuries of white oppression, I I had to spend mah Welfare hearing-aid cheque on some crack to ease my suffering, I’m sure that they said that they were master debaters.

The janitors were commendably satirising their own race in an attempt to match the brilliance of the Black debaters ” Fuckin’ bitches and baboons, bad enough when they’re one or the other, but when they exist in one person, they are complete and utter master-debaters.
Sistahs and Bros, the world is rightfully ours!

* When exactly can we say idiocracy has arrived? T-Neezy Coates would be a stellar debater. He would just start talking about his body, and the judges would be paralyzed by ambivalence over whether to laugh out loud or be appalled at the idiocy amounting to disrespect. Which is why the trannies necessarily win: its nothing but the body with them. And their bodies are just too disgusting to laugh or be appalled.

* The left won’t admit it in frank terms, but they’ve given up on blacks ever competing with whites on equal terms. The result is somewhat harmless absurdities like these debate competition to Orwellian social engineering like the new fair housing rules that will force racial and economic integration under threat of federal litigation. Progressives are authoritarian to their core and it won’t be long before the idea that we live in a republic will be a joke.

* Like the news lady said: Where do you go from here? That was the funniest line.

* That resembles debate as much as an aboriginal making a ‘refrigerator’ out of a cardboard box and then expecting it to be full of food.

* Those truly interested in debate will find other ways to show their prowess. My niece, who just scored perfectly on the SAT, was in debate and the big emphasis was on con law; that’s where all the smart kids go to compete.

* I’d like to think there’ll be an eventual synthesis of the classical and this ‘modern’ debate style, forcing/enabling lawyers to out-rap the rappers.

* As a former college debater, it’s worth noting that there are three very different styles of debate. The three leagues are the American Parliamentary Debating Association (APDA), the National Parliamentary Debating Association (NPDA), and the Cross Examination Debate Associated (CEDA). APDA and NPDA are ‘parliamentary debate’ which generally corresponds to a form of argument a lay person can watch, understand, and enjoy.

There’s a bit of a caste system — the best schools (mostly on the east coast) are all in APDA; NPDA tends to be more west / central, and generally more of a state school thing. If you look at the APDA national champions, you see schools like Harvard, Princeton, and Yale as the top teams. In the 2015 NPDA finals, Kansas City defeated Southern Illinois.

CEDA is a total freakshow wherein the teams compete to speed read ‘arguments’ from note cards. Most people can’t understand what is happening in the event. The fact that it has morphed in a totally crazy way into the ‘debate’ in the embedded clip is bizarre for many reasons, but it’s not like the CEDA finals from previous years was anything especially eloquent.

* …whenever a pupil joins a school debating society, they should be escorted outside, stood up against the nearest wall and shot unto death by musketry.
They are incipient lawyers and politicians-in-waiting, and as such they should be put down humanely for the good of all.
The purpose of debate, or even a personal difference of opinion should be to arrive as near as possible to the objective truth, not to “win” by blustering, bullying or artifice.
Points “won” in that way cause miscarriage of justice in courts, and bad polity in civic affairs.

* Interesting that the 2007 movie “The Great Debaters,” about a debate team from a black college, was set in 1935 instead of contemporary times. Perhaps director Denzel Washington and producer Oprah thought audiences would be more impressed by blacks employing the traditional, more rational style of debating than by the new blackety-black-black style.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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