Obama Unleashes His Black Self

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* It is ironic that everything Obama is doing is going to end up hurting the black community.

Letting black criminals go free, allowing them to get away with whatever they want in school and stripping away tools that the police use to lock up gang members.

Liberals think that the problem with the black community is that evil whites are being too harsh on them. When in reality the black community needs harsher rules to keep them in line. The reason that some black charter schools are successful is that they are run like little prisons. If you talk ghetto slang, they correct you. If you act out of line, you get kicked out.

* “I know what I am doing, and I’m fearless”

Anyone who says this is lying.

This is like when a sports team owner publicly gives a their coach a “vote of confidence.” You can bet your bottom dollar that coach will be gone before the end of the season.

I’m also reminded of when baseball player Alex Rodriguez, then with the Texas Rangers, had a large contingency of the media wondering if he’d leave and go to the Yankees (or another big-market team, but the Yankees were always the big name on the list).

The Rangers then had this bizarre public ceremony where Rodriguez and the coach showed up to announce A-Roids as the captain–the Rangers manager (Buck Showalter) and the GM both appeared in tuxes! (this really happened).

Punch line: A-Rod was gone within a year.

So when Obama is claiming “I know what I am doing, and I’m fearless” you know 1) he has no idea what he’s doing; and 2) he’s very nervous and fearful. These kind of bizarre, oddly over the top statements/ceremonies are not just to assure the people watching, but also to assure the people in the ceremonies, that what is being said is true—because the opposite is true, and those involved are so fearful, they need to restore their own confidence by some public act. It’s as if they’re so afraid of/close to losing their grip, they think that repeating this mantra out loud in front of everyone will somehow change reality.

Shades of Bagdad Bob as well.

That Obama said this should make his supporters very, very nervous. And us nervous as well, as citizens under this yoke of a regime.

* Obama X is no longer holding black people the least bit responsible for their problems. That was just window dressing when he needed to get white votes, and he’s past that. No more Mr. Even-Handed Guy. From now on, it’s all the fault of the whites–every last bit of it.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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