Jews Can Be Hard To Please

A Jewish woman, a friend of a friend, is mad at her dating service because no guys respond to her there. So I looked up the dating service online and could find no complaints. Then I looked up the woman’s picture on Facebook and the broad looks like Caitlyn Jenner but with bigger biceps than Serena Williams.

Men and women often let themselves go after marriage so if they’re already big while single, God only knows what’s going to happen after marriage. Sigh.

Do we do fat girls a favor if we only tell them how great they look? (Dennis Prager)

* Receptionist: “You probably have more in your pocket than I have in my purse.”
Luke: “Baruch HaShem!”

* I had a GF who became so upset by something written about her online by a vengeful ex of mine (calling my present GF “ugly”) that she called the police.

* Luke: “Let’s look her up on the CA state bar. Has she had any disciplinary action?”
Friend: “Yeah, they tie her up every weekend.”

* My brother is telling me about what a nutter Kevin Rudd is: “He was so obsessed. Couldn’t see the forest for the trees. He’s a bit like you.”

* Whenever I am in doubt, I just ask myself, What Would Putin Do?

* My Chinese great-great-grandfather (Chen Ah Yeen on my dad’s side) was in the Supreme Court of Queensland for bankruptcy (his business was in Rockhampton) in 1875. He died in 1903 and he’s buried in Townsville in the non-Christian section of the cemetery.

* I dig the train of Mexicans robbing my recycling bin. ‪#‎AmnestyNow‬!

* LINK: Plus-size vlogger rocks a bikini to put body shamers in their place

Chaim Amalek: Did not read, but this woman is too fat. She would do well to eat a lot less and drop at least 25 pounds. Otherwise, just think how fat she will be once she hits her thirties. Few men will want her.

If this woman wants to appeal to the likes of high status alpha males like Luke, she will need to drop thirty.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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