Steve Sailer: Immigrationism As Spite

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* “For the time being, however, a traveler through the South can’t help but notice that its affluent, suburban whites remain myopic about the obvious signs, like the multiracial families to be seen among Walmart shoppers on any given day in any shopping mall.”

Remain myopic about the obvious signs? So on the one hand they’re not noticing, and on the other hand they’re overreacting?

The South is much more integrated than the rest of the country, and supposed “urban/suburban” divide is much less pronounced (or even existent) that in the Northeast. Southerners do not reflexively assume that urban planning and development patterns will somehow take care of everything — they live, work, and school together more than any region in the country. So one would do well to listen to their well-reasoned concerns on this issue.

One hears this exchange figuratively a lot these days:

Person who wants to talk about immigration policy and border: “We’ve got to get this under control. They’re overwhelming us.”

Response: “How foolish of you to bring that up. Don’t you know they’re overwhelming you?”

* Mr. Raines makes the equally bold assumption that Latinos and Asians will have the same deep affection and sympathy for Nice White Liberals, such as Howell Raines, that he does.

Or they might bring their own vibrantly diverse ideas to the table, very much not aligned with Howell’s naive notions of what is good and proper. As voters, they might politely ignore Nice Liberal Leaders’ pronouncements that We’re Different From The Bad Whites and You Can Trust Us!

* Mr. Raines needs to re-familiarize himself with that Minnesota district where those wonderful Somalis who are a part of that wonderful Democratic coalition which was so far beyond those old tired categories like race and ethnicity (unlike those horrible Republicans) decided after they got the numbers that, come to think of it, they actually would prefer Somalis to run things instead of the white Democratic managerial class.

Demographics is destiny and all.

* Howell Raines, the self proclaimed “anti-racist” former editor of the NYT who hired, promoted, groomed a black reporter because he was black in a plan to replace white reporters with black ones did not get him good reporting or job security is now cackling in the NYT about how wonderful it will be replacing white people in the south with minorities.

Once again showing that the answer anti-racists have when they fail is not to rethink their ideas but just go bigger.

* ‘Demography is destiny’ is recognized by this liberal as being a fact and yet there’s masses of people who pretend that it isn’t so or that it isn’t happening. He’s very clear-eyed in this respect and is celebrating the demise of his own extended but estranged family just out of sheer hatred.

* Africans themselves lack sympathy for Africans. There’s little “juice”, and much bad blood, between African immigrants and the native black population. Somalis in particular have become adept at steering their kids away from local black culture. They prefer to settle in white cities, and those who went to Atlanta quickly learned their mistake.

* I don’t understand this kind of short-sightness about one’s country so I have to assume that human populations do commonly let themselves become overrun by other cultures. Perhaps we are wrong to presume historical homelands are permanent entities. (see Palestinians for example).

It is painful to see this great American civilization slowing being degraded by unchecked immigration-both legal and illegal.

Also, the more one thinks about it, perhaps the vast illegal immigration across the border is more a symptom of America’s decline, rather than the cause of it. Fever does not cause Malaria. Perhaps the cause of America’s decline is the catastrophic demographic collapse of the White population caused by high industrialization and urbanization. Maybe the seeds of America’s decline were planted in earlier eras when people started getting married later and later, and having less and less children. Also, I continue to be horrified at how White American feminists add to America’s demographic death with their efforts to suppress marriage and child birth as much as possible.

The United Arab Emirates now has one of the lowest fertility rates in the world, lower than Denmark and Finland. See what happens to even a conservative formerly primitive people once they urbanize and attain wealth? The mestizos from Mexico are peasants, or children of peasants , and yes they really are “vibrant”. They are incredibly hardy and skilled, not afraid to do back- breaking physical jobs, not afraid to get married early, not afraid to have children while still young. It is not a coincidence that the Amish population is growing fast, as are the Hasidic Jews. Both folks have it right.. participating in an industrial society with it’s extreme materialistic mores is harmful to human life. Even African Americans are managing to keep their portion of the American population steady. Non black immigrants have kept coming for generations but the black American population remains 12%, why. (Hint: they don’t participate much in the private corporate industrial economy either).

Raines is a cheerleader for America’s decline. Trump is fighting to keep the America he remembers growing up in. ( I do hate the way he calls Mexicans rapists and child molesters).

Surely there are some in the elite that have the foresight to implant policies that curtails immigration drastically. Surely.

In the end though, it is up to the American people to have an anti-materialistic, pro-family cultural revolution to mitigate the harmful effects of wealth and industry.

You good folks need a messiah of some kind.

* Was Jim Crow about controlling the black population (the Medicaid population largely) or encouraging it to leave, which it did in large numbers after WW1? Was Northern support for the civil rights act about improving the condition of blacks in the South so they would feel free to return or, at the very least, feel less pressure to move North? If you’ve got a deadbeat living in your house do you want to make it easier for him to stay?

* By analogy, the recent spate of episodes of unpunished misconduct–Lerner at the IRS, the Rolling Stone chick, Hillary, and others–all involve FEMALES who are being excused from accountability because they are “merely” exemplifying archetypical modes of feminine vice: i.e., the tendency to manipulate others, credulousness, fierce long-held grievances, a calculated show of “helplessness” (examples abound in Greek tragedy).

It occurs to me that this may be the architecture for a new ethic of unaccountability, useful to a new dominant group: “girls will be girls.” The fact that it’s a resentful inversion of the old “boys” excuse only makes it more in keeping with the left’s lust for payback.

* Off Topic, but the Seattle Times ran a column today about teenage employment. I tried Steve’s ctrl-F trick, and sure enough, not one mention of “immi”gration. Here’s the headline:

Now scarcer, jobs for teens still mean more than money. Fifteen years of economic turbulence has profoundly changed opportunities for young workers.

A lot of these employment mention automation. But never immigration, and never the trade balance. It’s almost like the media has agreed to keep quiet about some things.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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