NYT: “How Los Angeles Is Becoming a ‘Third World’ City”

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* “The third world exists everywhere here — in the spread of inequality.”

We imported millions of poor Turd Worlders and now he complains that L.A. has million of poor First Worlders – as if changing locations changes the reasons they all were poor. If Los Angeles’s new occupants had the skills and values to be middle class, they would’ve been middle class in their native countries.

Los Angeles used to be home to the rich and middle class. Now it’s home to the rich and poor.

* “Congressman Steve King (R-IA) estimates that illegal alien drunk drivers kill 13 Americans every day — that’s a death toll of 4,745 per year.”


Twelve Americans are murdered every day by illegal aliens, according to statistics released by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa.”


According to Heather McDonald of the Manhattan Institute, 95 percent of all outstanding warrants for homicide (which total 1,200 to 1,500) target illegal aliens. Up to two-thirds of all fugitive felony warrants (17,000) are for illegal aliens.


In 2008 California spent about a billion dollars to keep 27,000 illegal aliens in prison. Nine percent of them were there for homicide, which seems to add up to about 2,400 homicides, although these could have been spread over several years. In New York 27% of the illegals in prison were there for homicide.

Please double check my quick analysis of the GAO’s numbers here:



BTW, when looking at the GAO’s statistics on alien criminal activity, note that SCAAP stands for “State Criminal Alien Assistance Program.”

It seems to be a kind of Obamacare for the states’ expenses for prison expenses for housing criminal aliens, illegal and otherwise.

It is run by the DOJ.


* My real beef with this article is that like so many other articles about homelessness it’s written as if the homeless are totally without agency. When it comes to choosing where to live, good weather is a much more important factor for the homeless than for the homeful. People still come to California to follow their dreams, even if it’s a modest dream of not being freezing cold or melting hot all the time. The rate of homelessness just isn’t a good measure of the moral fabric of a city.

* LA been a Third World City for at least the last 20 years. It’s just that a lot of whites living here have bullshitted themselves that everything is as it used to be.

You go a couple of miles in the wrong direct you end up in part of town that is bad. I used to do a lot of business in Pacomia/Arleta and North Hollywood – mostly rebuilding and selling salvaged autos to Mexicans. One place I had to visit was right next to a massive dump, god almighty did it stink. And whole place was filled with illegals and ruffians. Lots of Arabs and Russians running shops down there as well. The Arabs were generally the worst of the lot in terms of behavior. I know the Mexicans they deal with are going to one day settle scores with them. Overall Pacomia is a very dirty place. You don’t want to be a pedestrian because the locals are mostly 3rd worlders who don’t believe in stopping, so don’t cross the street. And you do not go down there at night. I’m serious.

So far no C.H.U.D’s. but they would come in handy dealing with the homeless.

Oh lets see, then there’s Florance and Normandy that has that Escape from New York vibe going strong. 55 gallon trash drums placed on the sidewalk that were on fire in the middle of the day, store after store front boarded up, thugs glaring at you as you slowly drive the street in your Crown Vic. The women were equally rough. This was years ago, hopefully the Koreans have gentrified the joint.

Then there was this auto auction house down at Rosecrans and 110. Bad locale, lots of bad things happening at night. Very black. Just keep moving.

Oh then there’s famous old land mark bridge used in a lot of films(like RepoMan – now that was a film) just South of Little Tokyo, well that place is now a dump filled with illegals. You keep on moving. Now Little Tokyo is nice, not as nice as it was over a decade ago before they stuffed those nasty high rises down there. Talk about urban blight and death traps rolled into one.

Been down to La Habra a few times. Bad place, I ended up guarding the pickup truck because of the local clientele while the boss was doing his thing. We didn’t hang around. Mostly 3rd worlders.

Oh yeah then there’s the Federal building on 1st street, it’s near Santee Alley(knock-off alley). I am just surprised they don’t sell Mexican hunchbacked dwarfs back there. They sell everything else. Definitely a 3rd world vibe.

Decent people don’t live in San Fernando valley, they’ve moved to Simi Valley and beyond. The hey day of the San Fernando Valley was back in the 1980′s when tech firms were all over the place. Good times. Then various things happened that closed down the tech firms.

I feel sorry for outsiders who come rolling in thinking that Los Angeles is just like they see in the movies. It isn’t. Some places are nice but a lot of Los Angeles isn’t nice and hasn’t been for quite a while.

* Music scene died in L.A. and that’s an omen.

LA Weekly and OC Weekly desperately try to pretend that the non-white (and non-black) musical output of modern SoCal is meaningful but it is not. Just like Asians and Latins outside the country are not global leaders in music the pattern holds when you import them into America.

* The exodus of Whites from California is nothing new. When we lived in the Los Angeles area in the early 1990s. It seemed that almost every White person we knew was looking for a way out. The scenario was to cash out your aging “rancher” for a ridiculous sum of money and migrate to Nevada, Utah, Texas … anywhere else. Why? Gang violence, car jacking, poor schools, and the perception that the new immigrants were invading and looting the WASP communities at night (they were). The schools were also committed to a radical, “anti-White” diversity agenda. Plenty of photos of so-called Black and Hispanic “leaders” on the walls but no Whites. As a generalization, the schools were a “freak” show of drugs and social licentiousness that put teenagers at risk.

Enough was enough. We felt that we had two options: (1) Buy a gun, or (2) leave. We left and moved the family to Oklahoma. It was one of the best decisions we ever made.

* I go the the Griffith Park Observatory on occasion. I’m usually one of the few white guys there. Visitors there are mostly hispanic, and some asians, a few hipsters, usually packed.

The “guide” in the Observatory who walked groups of people around to explain things like the tesla coil was a fat Mexican chap, who delivered his shtick like Cheech Marin.

It was kind of funny, but didn’t seem like the information was delivered with the acuity, quality and style that it’s founders might have intended:

“Now you got mars over there, that’s the red planet! Then out there, past there, you got Jupiter, that big one! Jupiter is a giant planet! It’s bigger than my old girlfriend! In fact, it MIGHT be HER! That’s why I don’t look at it with a telescope. I’m afraid I could see her face!”

That was roughly his dissertation on our galaxy.

Anyway… Griffith Park Observatory used to make for an enjoyable relaxing evening up through the mid nineties.

Now it’s a GIANT shitshow.

It’s like it was roundly abandoned, and taken over by the groundskeepers.

* Since we’re talking about a decade here, 50,000 Americans were killed by illegal alien drunk drivers in about a time span equal to the Vietnam war. Which so happens to be the number of American serviceman killed in the Vietnam war. Add in the fact that probably just as many Americans were killed by sober illegal and legal Mexican drivers just being stupid, and you can double that number to 100,000. Start adding in murders and who knows where this number goes. Mexicans commit a lot of random abductions and murders that never get solved by the police.

Conclusion: Mexican immigrants are more deadly than the fully armed and supplied Viet Cong and PAV combined.

* When I was a kid in the 1970s, I grew up in an adults’ world. They switched it over to being a kids’ world, just a few years after I was too old to benefit from the change ie., in the late 1980s.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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