NYT: Vouchers Help Families Move Far From Public Housing

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Does sitting the dumb kid next to the smart kid work in a classroom?

I was the smart kid that always got them…and it just led to me feeling guilty for other people’s problems.

So no.

* Andy, Barney, Aunt Bee…

I’d like you to meet your new neighbors: Porche, Mercedes, Binaca, Listerene, and Shaqueequee.

* Sometime within the last two decades, in one of the border states, there was a detailed academic evaluation of a pilot program that involved dumping a bunch of Section 8 families into nice neighborhoods. The researchers found that this greatly improved the perceived quality of life for the Section 8 families in the program. But they were also honest enough to reveal that these people began fouling their nests from the day of their arrival: The areas around relocated Section 8 families experienced significant increases in reported crimes, incidents of civil disorder and other measures of social entropy.

To me the key questions become: (1) Should an increase in the subjective happiness of a small number of dysfunctional and socially and economically useless persons be bought at the expense of very real discomforts experienced by a much larger number of their productive fellow citizens? and (2) Should government at any level be involved in imposing such dysfunctional and destructive persons on innocent people, selected purely because they do not have the political clout to stand against this onslaught?

* Progressive education reformers have been talking about housing reform being the key to school reform for decades. By reform, they mean compulsory integration. In a generation, you will need permission from HUD to sell your house so as to avoid disparate impact claims.

* These people are evil. Just targeting above average neighborhoods and communities to be flipped and demographically transformed, while cloaked in civil rights language. I wish there was something I could do to stop them beyond about it and get angry.

* My experience has been that the number of blacks that is too few to cause trouble is zero. Just one recent example. I live in a small town that is over 90% white. Our neighborhood was all white. A black woman moved in up the street and her daughter and teen-aged grandson moved in down the street. The second family had been there about 2 weeks when the grandson “allegedly” started burglarizing neighborhood homes. Items reported to the police as stolen were found at his grandmother’s house. He was arrested. To add insult to injury, the grandmother and mother wrongly assumed one of their relative’s victims had reported him to police for drug use so they started a very nasty smear campaign against her on Facebook. When we moved in here ten years ago, people didn’t lock their doors. Now they do. The whole climate of the neighborhood has changed, not for the better.

* I guess moving all the black Africans to Europe will turn them into hardworking Europeans.

Solution for Greece. Send them all to Germany.

Solution for Puerto Rico. Send them all to Manhattan.

Odd, but PR community in NY lags behind Jews and other successful groups by a mile.

* We hear so much crap about legacy of ‘Jim Crow’ but nothing about the ‘genecy’ of racial differences.

* The rolling pogrom against white children rolls on.

Anyone who thought they were only going to target prole white kids and you were going to be able to buy safety for yours – think again.

* When they can’t settle, they start withdrawing. When they can no longer withdraw, they shut down. Then they go extinct.

The USA needs to stay majority Anglo-American, because no other group has enough of a stake in holding it together.

The founding of America as a propositional nation was a mistake ab initio. From the beginning, the country should have been explicitly acknowledged as the Anglo-American homeland. That’s how de Toqueville perceived the place when he visited.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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