Noise In Los Angeles Neighborhoods Correlates Strongly With Race

According to, 90035 is relatively quiet: Soundscore™:

Vehicle noise: Light
Airport noise: Quiet
No airport within 6 mi.
Local Commercial Noise: Heavy
Local noise sources:

Noise in Los Angeles correlates with race. White people live in relatively quiet areas, blacks live in the loudest areas.

If you’ve lived in a mixed neighborhood, you know that Jews tend to be louder than WASPs, that whites tend to be quieter than blacks and latinos, that blacks tend to be the loudest of all groups.

Comment to Steve Sailer:

* To me in a sane society really requires only five or six key attributes
a) there are borders
b) the successful majority race\civilization does not pander to any minority, much less a civilizationally disfunctional and more primitive one
c) men and women are understood to be different and being wives and mothers is the most important thing women do
d) having children and passing on our genes and culture is the most important activity society needs to make work; and we want the best, smartest, healthiest men and women to be doing it, and the incompetent not to be doing it
e) we value and celebrate the productive, righteous and decent, and don’t hold up, rent-seeking, rip-offs nor the disordered and depraved for anything but disapproval
f) criminals belong in jail or exile, without excuses
g) gay means light-hearted and carefree and a rainbow–what you get when the sun follows a rain shower–is pretty

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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