Steve Sailer: I Guess Jeb Bush Won’t be Speaking at Kathryn Steinle’s Funeral Either

Steve Sailer writes:

It’s starting to seem like Jeb’s entire run for the Presidency is intended to prove conclusively to everybody who ever doubted his choice of wife that he was right and they were wrong, that marrying a Mexican who, apparently, has never learned to speak English is what’s going to make him President of the United States.

Vengeance is a dish best served four decades cold. And what a revenge: giving America a First Lady who doesn’t speak English and doesn’t much like Americans…

Steve Sailer writes:

The AP article doesn’t seem to mention which country Sanchez had been deported to five times. Informing the public of that would be racist. Nor does it mention how he got into the United States in the first place, much less all those other times. Was he ever legally here? Why are you asking? Only Donald Trump or Ann Coulter would find anything relevant about that knowledge. Ignorance is smart.

Thomas Jefferson once said:

“Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.”

But now we get all the advantages of government and newspapers working together to keep the public from knowing information it shouldn’t know, so all those Jeffersonian quibbles are outdated. Besides, Jefferson owned slaves.


* The outrage over Trump’s comments is interesting to watch; I’ve seen no one actually try to refute his statement on the facts.

* Angelic face, warm eyes, in the absolute blossoming of life; all things we should be nurturing and protecting in these dark days. And instead, in our ignorance, we failed him.

* The camera crew will survive the revolution though.

They know not to point the camera at inappropriate news.

* I watched a little Fox News last night. Greta van Susteren played Trump’s recent remarks on Mexican illegal immigrants, then went to a panel with a journalist from the Wall Street Journal and one from the Washington Post. Now, one might imagine this would represent a conservative-liberal balance, but when it comes to open borders all right-thinking folks agree, so both denounced Trump with equal furor. Both insisted that everything Trump said was a lie when in fact everything he said was the truth. How is the typical low-information voter supposed to sort this out? Only those motivated to read Ann Coulter’s book or visit iSteve or VDare will have any idea what’s going on.

* Speaking of news stories where the interesting part is left out for the good of the public, how about the one from today where the tech press is acting like it’s a big mystery why the person in charge of booking Jesse Jackson for an ill-fated press conference got fired? Most of the questioners were hecklers who repeatedly used the word, “shakedown.”

The unreported interesting story is (almost certainly) about Jesse Jackson shaking down Reddit. When Reddit gave in by firing the person who booked Jesse at a the online press conference stocked with hecklers, the firing backfired. Jackson didn’t merely cut the off the nuts off of a community organizer who embarrassed Jackson, he got to cut the nuts off a whole community.

* Here’s the kicker, from the San Jose Mercury News: “So, Sanchez, who is a citizen of Mexico, was released on April 15.”

So on the day when Americans are required by law to pay our taxes (or else), the government which requires us to do so gave us the middle finger, by releasing this thug to live amongst us.

* Isn’t it interesting how one violent act is proof of the need to ban guns for everyone else, yet illegals murdering people should have no impact on our immigration policy?

* Trump’s comments threaten to poison the well for purportedly serious anti-immigration candidates such as Scott Walker or, most recently, Rick Santorum. It’s all about the tone and Trump’s clumsy Willie Horton style attack (sans a specific criminal and sans a specific politician’s action/inaction) will be seen straight through.

A false flag operation would have done exactly what Trump did. Now all anti-immigration Republican candidates will be presumed by the liberal and moderate masses to share Trump’s “racist” views and support for immigration restriction will be more taboo than it already was.

* Besides the obvious tragedy – and Shelley was a talented writer/director, as well as a beautiful and appealing actress – one annoying aspect of that story was that Shelley’s husband was a stereotypical Jewish leftist whose blog was filled with snarky rage directed at “Rethuglicans”, some of whom showed up at there trying unsuccessfully to convince him that illegal immigration was a bad thing, given what happened to his wife.

* A Hispanic landlord keeps illegal immigrants in a rat hole and uses them to work on his buildings. One, a nineteen year old illegal from Ecuador working in Shelley’s building beat her unconscious because she asks him to keep the noise down, then he pulls a sheet off the bed and uses it to hang her in her shower to fake a suicide, and fools the cops. It was only because the husband insisted that Ms Shelley would not have killed herself that the ‘investigators’ went back and noticed the killers dirty great trainer footprint on the toilet beside the shower that he got caught.

* …despite the fact that Trump has surged in the polls as a result of his blunt talk on immigration, no other Republican candidate will seek to emulate him, even in a more moderate manner. Instead, the lesson they will take is that you can’t say anything negative about Mexican immigration without arousing a firestorm of media
criticism, so don’t do it.

Furthermore, they’re all going to be terrified of being lumped in with Trump and so will distance themselves from him. When the mainstream media challenges them to denounce Trump, most will. They’ll be totally neutered.

I predict that the effect of Trump on this race will be that the Republican nominee will pander to Hispanics even more than usual. (If it’s Jeb Bush, that won’t be possible, of course.) At least he’ll have shown the other candidates up for the worms they are.

* I think some of the commenters here don’t grasp the political potency of this random killing.

It’s not just that this monster is the occasional violent sociopath that might be found in any population. It’s that he was deported 5 times, that he had multiple felonies on his record, that he had been asked to be detained, but that SF as a sanctuary city refused to do so. His case truly reveals the sort of evils the pro-illegal-immigrant policies and attitudes expose us to. How can such a person get into our country 6 times illegally? How can such a person, having entered our country 6 times illegally, and having committed multiple felonies, not even be detained when picked up?

On its merits, this case strikes me as at least as egregious as the Willie Horton case, and in certain respects maybe more so, because there are so many breakdowns in basic law enforcement that lay behind it, not just one foolish program.

I don’t see how any politician — not even one as carefully protected from criticism as Obama — can defend how this case was handled.

I really do wonder how Obama would respond to this case, and I doubt he’s going to be able to avoid being asked about it. Even if he says that it’s not his responsibility because it is SF that should have detained this creature, he risks blowback from the pro-immigration crowd who support the sanctuary idea and who also are core supporters of him.

* The media is a sniveling, shameless, herd of liars. Remember not that long ago when Arizona was a national pariah for its immigration laws (“Arizona! You got the rest of the Union, to help you along”) and Gov. Janet Brewer was mocked and ridiculed (repeatedly, in the same newspaper, just to rub it in) for claiming they’d found headless bodies in the dessert? Despite headless bodies in the desert being a well-known trademark of Mexican drug cartels, and drug cartel violence spiking around that time, and the whole point of Obama’s immigration policy being to erase any meaningful border between Arizona and northern Mexico.

“But you said said headless bodies in the ARIZONA dessert!”

And then headless bodies did turn up on our side of the border. And of course the media’s respectful, red-faced apologies to Gov. Brewer came pouring in… (crickets)

So what if Scott Walker makes a lucid, meticulously-cited case against illegal immigration, rides it to the White House, then actually musters the votes to pass it? What makes you think Blue State local governments won’t openly defy it (“sanctuary cities”), just like state university systems defied successfully passed anti-quota initiatives? What makes you think activists won’t window shop a Federal court to declare key provisions unconstitutional, making it inoperative for years while it’s appealed to the Supreme Court, which then throws it back down to the lower courts for a re-ruling on the most narrowly technical reason, after which it bangs around for even more years until finally a liberal + Kennedy court overturns it entirely (Sotomayor: “I just found a suppressed clause to the 14th Amendment- #FamilyValuesDontStopBorder” “But they didn’t even have Twitter in the 19th Century.” “Of course, they did! A recent Cornell Women’s Studies Dept. study shows Ada Lovelace…”)

I think Trump is smarter than any Republican Presidential candidate since at least Nixon- definitely more intelligent than either Bush brother. Crass, vulgar? What kind of America do you think we still live in, the one of the Lincoln-Douglas debates? And as someone mentioned, his mediagenic personality is likely to win more Hispanic (and maybe even black) votes than any thin-lipped, uptight white man, no matter how “family values don’t stop at the Rio Grande” on paper he is. And seriously, we cannot take back America unless we start taking back the culture, no matter how many elections we win, or how many Supreme Court seats we hold (something true conservatives should instantly realize). Trump has done more to break the politically correct, anti-white stranglehold on our national discourse in the last 2 weeks than any major Republican public figure has done in the last 20 years.

* Until Trump came along all the candidates were avoiding the issue including that prancing clown Walker who was caught several times showing his open borders bonafides. Of course he has to since he’s owned by the Koch brothers.

Trump’s not a firebrand either, except to the political and money classes. He’s saying what a lot of people don’t have the balls to say because of the threats by the MSM. Most of guys I used to work with were that forthright.

What’s happened in political discourse, it’s become so damn sanitized and watered down most candidates actually say nothing when you parse out what their talking points are. So people are used to politicians that are little more than a hot air blower and they freak out when someone speaks the truth and bursts their bubble.

He’s also smoking out all the Conservative phonies in the presidential race and in among the Wall Street crowd(which almost all of them). They aren’t conservatives at all.

The fact is most of the GOPers running are owned by mega-donors(like Adelson and Koch) and the Chambers of Commerce types. Both groups demand open borders.

And Trump is the only one talking about trade agreements that have wiped out millions of well paying jobs and will take even more once TPP is passed. All the other candidates are silent. So much for them caring about the country.

If one is a working or middle-class white guy, Trump is the only viable candidate. The others have a sugar coated chain saw waiting for you.

If you’re a professional of some sort, go support Jeb or Hillary, they’ll keep the status quo with a iron fist.

* Adrienne Shelly (born Adrienne Levine), the actress/writer murdered in her posh Greenwich Village apartment by the illegal Ecuadoran, didn’t realize that her life activities don’t automatically trump (no pun intended) those of some illegal. Violence is usually the first for these peoples. Welcome to the Third World. You’d better love violence and death. Watch some videos on Best Gore out of Guatemala or El Salvador or Mexico. Where they beat and burn to death a kid for stealing an iPhone as the crowd watches and cheers.

* In 2007. three black college students were lined up against a wall and shot execution style on a playground in Newark, New Jersey. Care to guess why it wasn’t a wall to wall weeks’ long story in the national media? Well the perps were three illegal “immigrants” from Peru.

Among them, one Jose Carranza, had been repeatedly arrested for violent and sexual crimes, and was released again and again. Carranza had actually been arraigned not long before for child molestation. His attorney asked for him to be released and the judge said “all right.” And he walked out of court.

Of this horror, the late Lawrence Auster wrote (

“It’s evident to me from this story that the judges and attorneys in the criminal justice system are alienated malcontents who deliberately or with depraved indifference unleash dangerous criminals onto society. As of yesterday the motive was not known. I mean of course the motive for the murders. The motive for Carranza’s repeated releases is known: hatred for society, sympathy for criminals and aliens, attitudes that are sacrilized and routinized within significant sectors of the judicial and government establishment. You can bet that this is one type of ‘criminals in their coats and ties’ that Bob Dylan will never sing a protest song about.”

* The media would gladly drop all discussion of this murder, but I don’t see that happening.

The other cases were too easily isolated from any political context to get much traction, if the media didn’t want to give them traction.

But Trump has, independent of this murder, already been propelled by the polls to second place behind Bush. My guess is that the murder and its implications, and Trump’s seizing upon it as he has, will push him even further up, and make him impossible to ignore for the media. But this murder showcases the exact problem he’s been talking about, and for which he has been ridiculed. He has every good political reason to push it as hard as he can.

And, really, it is such a bad case for the pro-illegal-immigrant side. It brings out everything bad about how such cases have been handled in our current environment.

My guess is that Trump will bring up this case in every discussion and debate of which he is a part. It’s not just going to go away. Other politicians will have to explain how their policies would have prevented such a thing, or explain how they will revise things so that they would. No politician can get away with saying, Oh, the system worked as it should — why revise it?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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