Steve Sailer Reviews Ann Coulter’s New Book On Immigration

Steve Sailer writes: It’s difficult for excerpts to reproduce the punch-drunk hilarity that Coulter induces in the reader as she artfully piles up the details. Here’s one example that ought to sound disturbing (because it is):

“In a case the New York Times described as a “family drama involving clashes of cultures,” a Brazilian woman and a Palestinian man in St. Louis murdered their own daughter because she was a “whore” for “going out with a black boy.” By lucky coincidence the girl’s father, Zein Isa, was a suspected terrorist, so the FBI captured the entire murder on a surveillance tape in their home—in subsidized housing, naturally. (Zein could be heard on the tape boasting about how much he loved the United States because there were so many different welfare programs to game.)”

But then Ann immediately follows up with the tale of the Chinese immigrant Dong Lu Chen, who beat his unfaithful wife to death with a claw hammer:

“Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Edward Pincus let Chen off with probation—for murder—after an anthropologist testified that, in Chinese culture, the shame of a man being cuckolded justified murder…. The female head of the Asian-American Defense and Education Fund, Margaret Fung, applauded Chen’s light sentence, saying that a harsher penalty would “promote the idea that when people come to America they have to give up their own way of doing things. This is an idea we cannot support.”… Chen immigrated to America with his entire family when he was fifty years old—fifteen years away from collecting Social Security—to be a dishwasher.”

In 1980 I worked as the research assistant to the top criminal defense lawyer in Texas, Racehorse Haynes, as he was considering writing an autobiography. From his scrapbook I learned that back in the 1960s you could kind of get away with murdering a cheating spouse in Texas, so long as he or she had it coming (and you hired Racehorse to defend you). Of course, that was a long time ago.

Perhaps if The New York Times were to start referring to immigrants as Extreme Texans they’d find it easier to comprehend the patterns.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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