Jews Can Be Challenging

I notice that Jews tend to complain more than Protestants.

The Torah portrays Jews as a difficult people. This stubbornness can be an asset though. It can be thought of as an unwillingness to settle for mediocrity. It can also translate as diligence and drive and energy.

The following lawsuit would have been unthinkable in the WASPy Australia I grew up in.

REPORT: Two Jewish groups that led a youth trip to Israel last summer failed to warn and protect students in their care about sand flies that infested the region, according to a lawsuit filed this week.

The parents of four Los Angeles County high school students filed suit on behalf of their children against the Union for Reform Judaism and the North American Federation of Temple Youth, the organized youth group of Reform Judaism. The groups “planned, hosted, conducted, led and supervised” the trip, the suit states.

The lawsuit alleges the teenagers were repeatedly bitten by sand flies and contracted Leishmaniasis, a parasitic disease that causes painful skin ulcers.

The students received no warning about sand flies before the trip, the suit alleges. Though the Jewish groups “expressly agreed” to monitor and protect the minors while abroad, they did not provide protection against sand flies, such as insecticides and insect netting, and gave the students bug-infested bedding, the suit states.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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