In Defense Of American Renaissance Magazine

Jeremy Egerer writes: That an openly white nationalist magazine like American Renaissance could have only a limited impact upon a mixed-breed half-Hispanic like me (although I identify as white) is understandable. Dozens of horror stories throughout the year about Hispanics can go only so far when a man already has a large and industrious and charitable Hispanic family. But the fact that American Renaissance has so many horror stories about them at all is what matters. A nearly total silence from the mainstream media for years involving any atrocities committed by blacks or Arabs or Hispanics, and you suddenly begin to realize you’ve been duped – that everything you’ve ever known about whites being the aggressors against purely unfortunate minorities has been a superseded by something much uglier: a war by everyone, for everyone.

Suddenly, you begin to encounter horror stories in local news pages about white women being tortured and murdered by black men, illegal aliens raping innocent girls, and Muslim fanatics beheading their own children for just desiring to be human. And after a few of these stories, you begin to develop something aside from a general sensation of shock and disgust. You almost immediately begin to carry a burden of anger. Not at the white nationalists who talk about these things, or even simply at the people who did them, but overwhelmingly at the people who purposely hide them. You begin to wonder why any useful racial crime statistics aren’t readily available at the U.S. Department of Justice’s National Victimization Report since Obama took office, or why nobody really knows which races and religions are responsible for the majority of discrimination lawsuits in the nation. You begin to wonder why lynch mobs are being organized on a yearly basis in honor of the few black people (and mostly criminals) shot by cops in bad neighborhoods, and nobody is protesting too openly about the diabolical black crime rates.

The answer is clear. A man who overwhelmingly showcases the atrocities of one race is running a propaganda war against it. And the people in charge of our government and mainstream media believe we’re stupid enough to believe them. On the whole, they are right. Except the problem with Westerners isn’t even so much that we’re stupid; it is that we lack the balls to read papers by the unpopular but intelligent people we disagree with.

The irony of the situation should be plain to everyone. A disgusting (but unfortunately necessary) magazine like American Renaissance is doing what the champions of diversity are supposed to be doing – which is giving us a complete picture of the differences among men, so that we can know what to do with them. If nearly everyone is interested in proclaiming the vices of a single race, American Renaissance is the magazine interested in proclaiming the general vices of the majority of races; for there is no such thing as fairness in an imaginary world where everything evil is committed by white people.

The unfortunate truth about interracial relations in a multiracial society is that there will be more interracial murders and rapes and robberies, not fewer – because murder is what people do. And there certainly won’t be murder in the same proportions – because difference is what happens when races are diverse. Asians for the next hundred years will never have neighborhoods as universally abominable as Ferguson or Compton, which is why Asians have deservedly received favorable mentions by openly racist men such as American Renaissance’s Jared Taylor (although the last time I checked, he preferred to be called a race realist). Diversity, it turns out, will absolutely mean more black and white and brown men holding hands in prayer. It will also mean more black and white and brown men hacking one another to death with machetes. It is impossible that it could be otherwise, and the more accurate knowledge we have about these things, the better. For we can act wisely only when we know what we are dealing with. We can progress only when we know where we stand.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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