The Liberal Jewish Crack-Up

Steve Sailer writes: …the big trend of 2015, following the anti-Semitic massacres by Muslims in Europe, is that the group that dominates the contemporary mindset, ethnocentric liberal Jews, are starting to feel the pressure on the obvious logical contradictions between their sensible is-it-good-for-the-Jews ethnocentrism and their public avowals of diversity uber alles.

…everybody knows that, even without Iovine, Jewish music executives played an outsized role in the gangsta rap that persuaded so many impressionable young black idiots to become crack dealers…

Jewish comedians have been joking about their people’s mania for expensive German cars at least since the 1970s when, in my recollection, the Mercedes-Benz 450 SL convertible was the pre-eminent car in Beverly Hills. But how Jewish is Trevor Noah? Is he ethnically privileged enough to joke about Jews and German cars or not?

…Why comparing Jewish women’s apparent respect for their virtue to the world’s greatest soccer player’s respect for competition rather than for fakery is supposed to be anti-Semitic is unexplained. But that’s not the point, the point is that you aren’t supposed to joke about Jews if you aren’t officially Jewish.

…In America, the 97% of the population who aren’t either Jews or anti-Semites are pretty much intellectually disarmed by crimestop. It’s fascinating to try to list members of the 97% who kept their wits when it comes to thinking about Jewish influence in America. Off the top of my head, I can think of the obvious examples of Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Richard Nixon who together in 1969 conjured up neoconservatism by deliberately exploiting the Jewish ethnocentrism revivified by the 1967 Six-Day-War to get more Jewish intellectuals to support America in the Cold War. But in the last 45 years, I can only come up with a handful of names of gentiles who haven’t been intimidated: John Updike (for his good-natured series about the Jewish novelist Bech), and …


* It’s not that the typical white gentile American is intimidated into going along with Jews, it’s that he is eagerly, willingly, zealoulsy pro-Jewish in a way which he would never feel comfortable being pro-his-own-group. A lot of these people are more fanatically pro-Jewish than is the typical American Jew! It’s a strange psychological trait and one which has never received the exploration it deserves.

In spite of what some commenters on this blog seem to believe, this sort of thinking is not limited to “evangelical Christians”.

* A real stinging and relevant Jewish joke today wouldn’t be about Jews pinching pennies but about Jews throwing massive amounts of money to buy up politicians and other people in positions of influence. Even this Trevor Noah controversy is all about how Jews should throw their money around. Is it a lucrative deal to offer millions to this comedian who goes by South African cultural rules and isn’t properly sensitive about ‘American’ rules that have been rejiggered by Jews.

Indeed, Sheldon Adelson and Haim Saban would be far less dangerous if they pinched pennies than if they threw hundreds of millions at politicians who grovel at their feet.

Jordan Belfort and Benrie Madoff were NOT penny-pinching Jews but Jews who threw their money around, and they turned out to be far more dangerous than penny pinching Jewish pawnbrokers of old.

* Trevor’s mild jokes about Jews get noticed but his stridently anti-white views sserve to burnish his resumé.


* Dear god where do all these smug, opinionated Jewish broads come from and who keeps paying them to write the shit they write?

* Noah should reference Alyssa’s post on his first episode, and say that, in response, he made sure at least 50% of his writers were Jewish, in order to do his part to combat Jewish underrepresentation in comedy writing.

* Every article on this is saying the same thing. If you wanna be in showbiz ya better repent! These writers are so damn obvious. It’s unbelievable that people can’t see how these writers all seem to work in concert with each other. It’s like how the one of the articles from the earlier post made it seem like random curious people just happened to look into this, only to be shocked at what they found. As if there were a groundswell of concerned citizens, rather than organized activists who base their life on vetting celebrities and other noteworthy people to make sure their views and interests are aligned with their own.

* Interesting comparing the professional headshot of Rosenberg at WaPo to the image grab from BloggingHeads or whatever that is. What a difference professional makeup, lighting, and camera work makes. Computer cameras aren’t too flattering for most people.

* Between Rosenberg and Claire Cain Miller, it’s almost as if there’s a contest about who can more flamboyantly eschew logic. Rosenberg’s argument — that hiring ethnic minorities is a way for a comedy show to avoid offending people — refutes itself. Comedy Central just did that with Trevor Noah and look what happened.

* Fat, Jewish chicks are not funny.

What is funny is that fat, Jewish chicks think they are sexy.

* Background: Billy Gordon is an aboriginal who was recently elected into the state parliament of Queensland. His history of domestic violence is beginning to surface, and some people are calling for him to resign because of this. But others are saying that this is just another witch hunt of an aboriginal man, blah blah. It’s interesting because domestic violence against women is presently the national talking point. Most people associate “wife beaters” with “Bogans” , but the reality is that aboriginal women experience the highest rate of domestic violence, perpetrated by…aboriginal men.

* I bet this mulatto mischling is pretty stunned he’s being called an anti-semite for these totally non-offensive jokes, when Jon Stewart played with Jewish stereotypes quite a bit on his show.

Seems like as the number of mischlings increases, the full-Jews feel the need to crack down on them, so gentiles don’t get the idea that Jews are fair game for comedy.

The worst case scenario would be someone like Dieudonné M’bala M’bala becoming popular with non-white Americans.

* The larger question is how come so many foreigners are getting top slots on our TV chat shows? ANSWER: Its an end run around hiring white American guys who are all racist patriarchal oppressors. Instead you hire a white Brit for your Late Show. Or this Noah because you figure he can get away with more un-PC humor due to his foreign black status. Plus Africans immigrating to America is in these days. Our awful president is an African immigrant. Almost.

There is a very busy and hip buffet near me and every single black guy working there is from Africa. And they have quite a few. American blacks need not apply. The crowd they attract is multi-racial, white, Hispanic etc 30 year olds and some with children. The foods are clean, grilled, non-greasy plus a sushi selection. Happening food for the young and diverse. Yep, I like their food and go there.

* Just like Dieudonne, Noah will learn the hard way that he is ranked lower in the victimhood rankings than jews.

Regarding Sailer not having heard of Noah, he is a coloured from South Africa, but unlike the traditional coloureds his mother was black and father white, the normal coloureds have been mixing only with themselves for a long time. He is also not very PC and sees everyone as fair game in his comedy, in South Africa jews and whites are seen as more similar by the non whites, than jews and whites are seen in America. Also in South Africa blacks are at the number one rank of the victimhood pantheon, not the jews.

He notices things, but he clearly is not aware that America very tightly controls what you can notice and say, so like I said at the start, he is going to learn the hard way how society in America works…

* This reminds me of what happened to Razib & the NY Times.

So the takeaway is not to selected talented unknown people of colour because of controversial statements in the past.

The safer choice is to pick someone whose parents were adroit enough to enrol them in diversity classes in private school. So essentially the Establishment gets to perpetuate itself while maintaining the aura of diversity.

* I too feel that Jews are terribly under-represented in the media and unable to defend themselves.

* I hope the old media and academia put wet blankets like Alyssa Rosenberg in every job they can. I hope they drown in this stuff for at least another decade. The rest of us will get on with our lives beyond their mundane little cultural swamp.

Just thinking about them gives me that heavy, frustrated and entangled feeling of trying to get through a swamp. Social justice warriors are the Swamp People and that’s what they should be called. Actually, the terms “Social Justice Warrior People” and “SWPLs” can be mated and turned into “swampies” with a little imagination.

Alyssa Rosenberg is a swampy. Just occupying the same mental space as her immediately gives a person that feeling of being entangled in a swamp. Laughter and joy die in a swamp and in the presence of people like Alyssa Rosenberg.


* Although I love the irony of Comedy Central replacing the Jewish host of the Daily Show with an anti-Semitic one, otherwise it seems like the most bizarre choice ever. If they wanted to go the affirmative action route and hire a Person of Color, why not get an American comedian who might actually have some basis to understand the American political scene that you’re expected to talk about 5 nights a week?

* Mr Foxman of course says,

“And we hope that he and Comedy Central will make a conscious effort to ensure that ‘The Daily Show’ remains funny and irreverent without trafficking in bigoted jokes at the expense of Jews, other minorities and women.”

So we can assume that he thinks trafficking in bigoted jokes at the expense of white gentile men is just fine. Of course he does.

* PC totalitarianism is a privilege that only rich Westerners can afford to indulge in. Poor countries like South Africa don’t have that luxury.

I recall a couple of years ago an Afrikaner man who worked as an air traffic controller at Johannesburg International was caught on the loudspeaker calling an African worker a “Kaffir”. Not only did he not lose his job but the black workers at the airport didn’t even pretend that they cared.

* If you believe culture determines everything, and ‘culture’ is malleable, the only way to see the change you wish for is to control it completely. The slightest deviation can derail [another annoying buzz word] attempts at such change. And the only way you can convince people to adhere to such rigidity is to believe yourself that allowing said deviations will, if you really think about it, lead inexorably to female manumission. If a joke (an accurate one at that) about large women is let slide, the next thing you know women everywhere will be losing the right to vote and own property. This is crazy, but within their intellectual framework, it’s logical.

* You can detect the nervousness of the Atlantic staffers. They recognize that the Daily Show is not just a comedy show but is a tool for indoctrinating young viewers (as noted by Jamie Weinstein) and they do not want to lose control of that. They are worried that this unknown South African dude might not be on their team. Hence they urge him and the Daily Show to “try harder” and “be better in the future”; i.e., get with the program, African guy.

* There’s a hilarious anecdote about Redd Foxx and S and S. At one point he started getting racially conscious and told the producers to fire all the joke writers and hire only blacks. After a few weeks of declining ratings, he told his producers: Get rid of these motherfuckers and get me some jews!

* The Atlantic article’s insistence that these jokes aren’t funny reveals how threatened they are by humor.

The coalition of the fringes is more vulnerable to mockery than the core, and if they lose the reins of mainstream comedy, they’re toast.

Hence, they have to whip the troops into shape with a constant drumbeat of “not funny! Not funny! Thou shalt not laugh!”

Because you know, if people are allowed to just laugh at what they find funny, who knows what disaster may befall us.

* US is a liberal democracy by law, but Jews have gained such total domination in government finance, entertainment, and media that they impose and run the Narrative like communist governments used to do. Everyone in the US knows he or she is finished if he or she displeases Jews. The ONLY thing Rick Sanchez said is Jews made it in the US, they are rich, and very prominent in the media. That was enough for him to be blacklisted worse than the Hollywood Ten (who were Stalinists and real scumbags).

Because everyone fears Jews, no one says anything that might be construed as insulting to Jews. Only Jews can say some funny or biting stuff about Jews, but Jews take pride in this as example of their own self-criticism and ability to laugh at themselves. But it is monopolized ONLY by Jews. It’s like a dictator of a nation making a joke about himself to show that he’s an fun easy-going guy but then forbids ANYONE ELSE to do likewise. So, even his self-mockery is a form of narcissism. “I’m not only so very great but sort of humble and don’t take myself too seriously.” It’s like Mao who forced all Chinese to worship him as a god but then told Edgar Snow with false modesty that he’s irritated by all the cult of personality and only wishes to be remembered as a teacher, ‘a school teacher’ at that.

* Perhaps we should stop pussyfooting around the truth. Jews are starting to read the handwriting on the wall. Jews should be hyper sensitive about negative speech towards them, because their tribal Zionism and oligarch bankers are doing America and the West a great disservice.

They are repeating the same pattern of activity that got them in trouble in Germany in the last century and the many centuries before that. They tribally conspire to take over their host culture, hurting that culture. Clearly they have accomplish that in America – clearly we are currently beginning to live that hurt – and sadly for all, it is just starting.

* It always astounds me that Jews never seem to make the connection between their behaviour (such as that you refer to) and an eventual explosion of goyim resentment, which is always portrayed as resulting from mindless bigotry.

You’d image that absorbing this vital lesson would represent a major step forward for their ethnic evolutionary strategy. As well as a God-send for the rest of us!

* This Twitter hysterical lynch mob attack phenomena is a female thing . Back in 1991 when I left the best job I ever had (99%) men and went into a “profession” that was 99% female , it took me about 3 months to figure out how they work . They stick together no matter what . I learned very quickly that any time the swarm noticed any hint of a hive member in distress they would turn and attack the source (me) as one , reflexively , like a group of white blood cells clumping around a foreign invader . For them there is no right or wrong in any conflict there is only the instinctive group solidarity and instinctive drive to kill .
Eventually as a matter of survival I adapted and even thrived , got laid and made some friends but with a few exceptions developed a deep and lasting contempt for women as a group .

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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