Can We Bargain With Zionists?

Steve Sailer writes: Bibi, however, earned his fourth term, crushing the leftist coalition 67-39 among the 106 Jewish seats. Granted, the 14 seats won by Arab parties made the election look closer on paper. But Israel has an unwritten rule that it would be racial treason for a Jewish coalition to form a governing majority using Arabs, so Arab voters don’t really count in determining who gets to be prime minister.

While America’s immigration policies make this country more leftist, Israel’s demographic policies, such as inviting in French Jews who feel threatened by Muslim immigrants in Paris, and banning non-Jewish immigration (other than spouses), means that the Jewish electorate is growing steadily more rightist.

As Israel comes ever more out of the closet as the successful right wing nationalist state that it is, a PR problem is created for American Democrats. The success of pacesetting at California campuses by the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestiture and Sanctions movement would suggest this. The student candidates who make up the next generation of Democratic politicians tend to see Israel as the quintessence of that white privilege that young people are taught to hate.

Beyond Israel, American Jews are starting to worry that the anti-white, anti-privilege rhetoric they’ve done so much to inculcate among today’s youth will end up boomeranging against the most privileged white American ethnic groups: themselves.

We’ve been hearing from Democrats nonstop since 2012 about the hideousness of White Privilege. Yet, you can’t get much whiter than Hillary or more privileged than being a former First Lady. But the point, Democratic publicists insist, is that she’s a woman, and it’s the turn of women, even a white woman like, say, Hillary. By making the 2016 election all about the not very controversial issue of America electing a woman President, the Democrats hope to kick these divisive demographic cans down the road for eight years.

As you may have noticed, the Democrats, despite their vaunted vibrant diversity, don’t really have a Plan B. They just hope to nominate the old, bland white person and hope she doesn’t fall down and bang her head again (as she did in 2012, putting her out of action for close to six months). If Hillary isn’t up to scratch, however, the Party of the Fringes could attain its destiny and go full circular firing squad on itself as early as next winter.

A key for Democrats is hanging on to the smallest but most influential ethnic constituency: Jews. It’s widely believed (although not often talked about) that Jews contribute about three-fifths of the Democrats’ campaign funds and about one-quarter of the Republicans’ money.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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