In The News

Gregor posts:

* A Taiwanese student went berserk on a train, killing four people with a knife and injuring many more. What I found interesting here is that even his own parents are calling for his execution, such is the intensity of their shame. That I can respect. With American parents it’s always about how “gentle” the guy was and how out of character this was and how he needs a second chance, blah, blah, blah.

* A perfectly healthy black lady with a fraudulent handicap sticker gets so enraged that a elderly woman “stole” her handicap spot in the Walmart parking lot that she confronts and knocks her over. The elderly woman had just had a hip replacement and had to get more surgery after the assault. Unbelievably disgusting behavior.

* A bleeding heart 75 year old professor naively took a black thug under his wing, giving him nearly $40,000 to help him get on his feet. The thug thanked him by robbing his house, bludgeoning him to death, and burning his house to the ground. It’s pretty much an allegory for what is happening to the whole country.

I find it interesting that Daily Mail will often have the better stories that the US media would rather not cover.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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