Sad reality about ‘happy family’ car stickers

Bridget Johnson posts: "Commuting into the Valley, I see these stickers on the backs of vehicles all the time — "happy family" decal detailing Mom, Dad, and each of the kids by name and drawn out as boys or girls. Back when I was a criminology major at Fresno State, I remember a professor saying the first semester that it was a bad idea for a woman to get a personalized plate that identified her gender, as it made the vehicle a target for predators. Drawing from that logic, and in light of heightened concerns about sexual predators on our streets, why would anyone put one of these "happy family" stickers on their cars? You’re just advertising to the bad guys how many kids there are, approximate age (by size of the stick figure on the sticker), and releasing names of the kids, making it that much easier for a predator to gain a small child’s trust. Put safety first — take ’em off, folks!"

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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