Do Jews Cause Anti-Semitism?

I would say that every group creates reactions (but does not have the power to control reactions). When blacks act in certain ways, non-blacks react. When whites act in certain ways, non-whites react.

Different groups have different gifts and different interests and this frequently causes conflict.

So I think the radio host’s questions are fair and I would answer them yes and yes. How the Jewish state behaves will have an effect on how Jews are treated around the world. Yes, sometimes Jews do cause anti-semitism, though I would not argue that most anti-semitism is a reaction to Jewish behavior.

What’s most interesting to me is that these reasonable and legitimate questions have been ruled out of bounds by the powers that be.

If you want to know who rules you, ask who you are not allowed to criticize.

Now, not all reactions, perhaps not even most reactions, to blacks, Jews, Muslims, etc, are governed by how these groups behave.


In an interview with Isaac Bachman, Israel’s ambassador to Sweden, Groll asked: “Do the Jews themselves have any responsibility in the growing anti-Semitism that we see now?” Bachman, naturally, was taken aback. “I reject the question altogether,” he said. “The question of how a woman contributes to the fact of being raped is irrelevant altogether. I don’t think there is any provocation that Jews are doing–they just exist.”
But Groll wasn’t finished attempting to pin the blame for European intolerance on its victims, and proceeded to suggest that Jews in Europe might have it coming due to the actions of completely different Jews in the Middle East. “But a lot of people would look at the Middle East today and say there are various conflicts that we know between the Israelis and the Palestinians,” she went on, “and a lot of people might say, ‘we see the Gaza war, we see things that have been happening, that Israel and Jews in Israel have a responsibility to reactions that are coming?’”

Why have 20 out of 23 nominated Oscar films on the Holocaust won the prize? Gee, I’m stumped. Could it have anything to do with most power brokers in Hollywood being Jewish?’s Liel Liebovitz is a man of considerable accomplishment. No matter how many times he writes and at what length, he never adds anything. Today he argues that Jews in Europe should be allowed to carry weapons. What about non-Jews? Should Jews get preferential treatment and preferential legal authority? Liebovitz does not address this. Do Jews have it worse than non-Jews in Europe? He does not provide evidence beyond some examples of Jews getting attacked.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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