Peace Gardens Breed Gang Violence

Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Nothing says “gang violence” quite like a Peace Garden. That’s what I’d do if I wanted to stop the gentrification of an area – Peace Gardens every other block.

* My liberal wife had no idea she was a racist. When we were first married, we talked (fantasized) about different places we might want to live, and I suggested a couple of places in a warmer climate. She emphatically stated that warm places were no good because they attracted people who wanted to do the least amount of work to survive. Little did she know that she was, in one way or another, subscribing to the discredited theory of environmental determinism, which was promoted by anthropologists of the 19th century. She though she was just subscribing to the truth.

* While climate isn’t everything as far as crime goes, I don’t doubt there is at least a minor link. As the commenter above said, “Rain is a policeman’s best friend.”

My sister used to be a 911 dispatcher. One of her colleagues said that the first day in spring where temps hit the high 40s or 50s (usually about March or April) and stayed there after dark the police radios would go crazy. Cold doesn’t eliminate crime but it does genuinely seem to reduce the opportunities for such. Even the criminals want to stay in by the furnace. Here in central Illinois temps have been below freezing the last few days, close to zero or below zero. If the Michael Brown lack-of-indictment had been announced this week, the media would have sputtered but I bet there would have been little to no marching.

* Cold climates require more brains and planning, so riffraff is weeded out. Cold American places also tend to have been pioneered and settled by Northern Europeans, and we all know what that means.

As for Oakland, its climate is not different enough from that of San Francisco to make a difference. Also, Oakland corresponds as much with New Jersey (specifically Newark) as it does with Brooklyn. That’s not necessarily a good thing. Newark is an armpit in need of deodorant, whereas Brooklyn has loads of culture and history going for it.

Yes, of course black radicalism is highest in warm climates. That’s because dark people prefer warm temperatures. Ever share an office or working space with black people? Ever have that fun with the thermostat? I can instantly tell when I’m walking into an establishment staffed by dark people: it feels hot when I walk in the door.

Without the white man to provide heat and comfort, dark people would never even be living in cold climates at all. Think about that. That goes for all the Mexicans who come north too. And the Arabs who play with their white man toys bought with the white man’s money. And the Asians who are doing the same.


* This is why I hate the typical Republican mumbo jumbo about “color blind society” this and judge all the “strength of their character.” It’s nothing but unilateral disarmament, lunacy.

The fringe (the whole bloody lot of them) see nothing outside their own prism of “Who? Whom?”, but screech in horror when that same sort of scrutiny is applied to them.

I don’t know the extent to which Whites realize how very much they’re despised by the fringe–I suspect they know deep down, but it makes them too miserable to dwell on it, so they ignore it.

And do the fringe realize that they’re the ones holding the tiger by the tail, how really tenuous their grip on the power to dictate is? How long can they keep poking and poking without the host just devouring them? Interesting decades ahead.

* Shows like Madmen and Downton Abbey are part of the new crop of shows (Vikings, etc) with historically specific setting so that the makers can plausibly get away with virtually all-white casts.

* I think most white racists, even of the stormfront variety, if they were to watch a movie about a young black man growing up they would somewhere in their hearts want to see him attain a decent life, rather than fall into crime, drugs, or such disaster.

* This is true. I’m not a Stormfront guy, but I am an American Renaissance guy yet it warms my heart every time I deal with a black people who are courteous or are doing their job well. I think what most white people feel about blacks is nothing like hate but more like despair, as in “What are we going to do with these people? What hope is there for them?” There is no joy in witnessing their failures and feeling this despair. Liberals deal with this by a weird jiu-jitsu in which they decide black people are super great and it’s white people who are awful. However, many of us choose to face the facts. As one of my friends said, “I can’t forgive black people for making me a racist.”

* It’s just unforgivable that jewish guys keep accomplishing stuff. Jewish men should stop so that everybody else won’t have to feel so resentful.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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