New IDF Chief Faces Herculean Task?

Nowhere does this analysis mention that Israel is the Middle East’s strongest military power and that it has no close competitor.

I was asked by a mate in Australia yesterday what I thought about the back and forth between Obama and Netanyahu. I said it had little real meaning. It is all for show. Netanyahu can’t say that Jews should move to Israel to be safe and claim at the same time that Iran is a deadly threat to Israel. Iran’s building of nuclear weapons is in its strategic interest. Iran has not launched an offensive war in about 300 years.

YNET: There are only two things about which we can be almost completely certain: The likelihood of a war breaking out on more than one front during Eisenkot’s term is much higher than during his predecessors’ terms, and the window of opportunities for a peace agreement has been almost completely shut.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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