Jews Are Beginning To Abandon The Narrative That Islamic Immigration Is Good

Steve Sailer writes: This emerging terrorist pattern of — Let’s go try to kill some people in the media and then go try to kill some Jews — is likely to increasingly get on the nerves of Jews in the media, which could have consequences.

For example, Erlanger, the NYT’s Paris correspondent, wrote an article last month in which Marine Le Pen was depicted without too much frothing at the mouth.

The swing vote in the media is often wielded by Jews who are liberals for conservative reasons — because that’s the ideology they inherited from their ancestors and co-ethnics and they are naturally self-respecting loyalists. (Steven Spielberg and Michael Bloomberg would be examples.) They’re the kind of people who would tend to go along with the Narrative (you know, Islamophobia is really to blame because if Society didn’t Otherize immigrants …), until it starts getting personal (Hey, wait a minute!), and then healthy reactions start to kick in.

These kind of two for one attacks on media people and Jewish people thus seem particularly ill-conceived and likely to erode the Narrative of Islamophobia.

Update: Commenter bjdubbs points out that Erlanger (who must have been up all night) has now added this to his NYT coverage:

Dan Rosenberg Asmussen, a leader of Denmark’s Jewish community, told the Danish public broadcaster DR that the victim at the synagogue was a young Jewish man who was guarding the entrance of a building adjacent to the synagogue. He said that some 80 people were inside the synagogue at the time, celebrating a Bat Mitzvah, and that the police had been asked to provide protection after the cafe shooting.

The dual attacks in Copenhagen had a copycat resemblance to last month’s attacks in Paris, which began with gunshots aimed at cartoonists and followed with gunshots aimed at a Jewish target.


* Alternatively you could just keep inviting immigrants to keep rents high and the schools filled and make it illegal to blaspheme.

* The media is doing about all it can to hype the threat of “radical Islam.” This past week had an NCIS Los Angeles plot about an ISIS cell in Los Angeles. They kidnapped an NSA analyst and the two lead actors who are in NCIS. It all ended in a big shoot-out.

I looked it up and it seems there are about 12,000+ murders a year in the US, so over 150,000 since 9/11/2001 and hardly any could conceivably be linked to “radical Islam.” Maybe Nidal Hasan, the Ft Hood shooter, because thats what he said himself. But his colleagues thought he was unhinged and did nothing about it. He wanted to marry and couldn’t find anyone who would marry him.

Personally, I thought the guy who went into a hospital in Boston and shot a doctor (who later died) and shot himself was more worrisome because it just goes to show how little security there is if anyone can get that far into a hospital without anyone asking what he was doing there.

* It all started with dwarf tossing. Too late to stop it now.

* I think it was in a speech at CPAC before he became persona non grata, John Derbyshire said that the elite narrative on race could turn around very quickly. It seems to me he is right, because the narrative is so opposed to reality and has to be constantly, desperately defended. How long can obvious truths be denied?

Elite Jews are key to making the narrative turn. If they come to believe that Muslim immigration to the West represents an existential threat to them, they will change the narrative on immigration. If they came to believe that black violence was an existential threat to them, they would change the narrative on black victimhood.

* I don’t think you can count on Jews to turn against Islam so easily. You’re discounting the power of neurotic Jewish guilt, which is a force almost as powerful as God. The fact that American Jews have been pro-Palestinian, pro-Muslim and have never stopped ranting about the evils of Israeli imperialism is a type of suicidal stupidity that is awesome to behold. Only a guilt that has reached the levels of insanity can explain it. Either that, or Jews derive a nasty psychological pleasure from scapegoating other Jews–and everyone else within their reach–except for their chosen pets like Muslims, Blacks, Hispanics, etc.

* I’m starting to see lots of little acknowledgments drip out of the MSM that different races are, in fact, different. They are usually in the context of some other subject, like the Neandertal.

A few weeks ago I was surprised to read in Time that:

“Non-African humans have a tiny bit of Neanderthal DNA and studies suggest the mix happened 50,000 to 60,000 years ago.”

Nothing exciting for an iSteve reader (or anyone with eyes and a brain), but surprising nonetheless because Time is saying that Non-African humans are different from African humans at the DNA level, not merely at the social-construct level.

* It strikes me that there could be another elite strategy pursued: convince the masses to suddenly minimize Middle Eastern immigration to the West, yet make up for it by heavily increasing (some) African, Asian, and especially Hispanic immigration. If you manage a profitable farm and keep getting bit by the goats (to the point where you realize they are not worth the trouble), do you really then get rid of the cows, sheep and chickens as well? Course not. To bastardize Orwell: some animals are just suddenly more problematic than others lol.
Somewhat related to this topic: It really amazes me that a lot of my fellow Jews worry a hell of a lot about Iran getting a nuke, yet they are not slightly worried about, say, French or British nukes and reactors falling into the hands of an Islamist government sometime around 2030 or 40. Not every government can be relied upon to have the foresight of the White South Africans and destroy their arsenal on the cusp of a takeover.

* Muslims are pretty ineffectual per capita compared to that evil Norwegian terrorist. Fortunately, we don’t have a big sample size of Norwegian terrorists.

* Simply print the Charlie Hebdo cartoons on European welfare checks.

Chaim Amalek: “It is natural to worry more about a threat that looms within the next few years than one that might arise decades hence. Also, I do not agree that concern over radical islam in Europe is now all over the media just because a few Jewish targets were struck. Do you think the media reaction to the Charlie Hebdo attack would have been substantially less had the attackers not also attacked a kosher market? I do not. Also, there was very very heavy press coverage of the bus and subway bombings in the UK in 2005, although these did not target Jews. Now, as for the decision of the UK press and WASP elites to look the other way as their daughters were/are being raped by Muslim immigrants, not even you can blame that on the Jews. It happened because you WASPS in Denmark, Sweden, the UK, etc. let it happen.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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