Israel’s Brigitte Bardot-Type Patriot

Chaim Amalek: “Why? Because America has become a shopping mall with the remnant of a nation attached to it. It is permitted to have two functions: 1. the betterment of Mexicans and other 3rd World immigrants and Chinese businessmen, and 2. the enrichment of the oligarchy. Having someone like Ayelet Shaked would only gum things up.”

VDARE: of course has long admired the intelligent determination with which Israel has met her illegal immigrant problem – appropriate fencing, vigorous deportations, and remittance interdiction.

The question is, why does not the GOP produce brave and enterprising patriotic women Representatives like this? Or a Thatcher? Remember not one voted against Boehner. Instead we have Playboy Bunnies like Jodi Ernst and even worse specimens like Renee Ellmers. (Honorable somewhat exception: Michelle Bachmann)

Partly the reason of course is the effortless double standards of big GOP donors like Sheldon “Put A Big Fence Around Our Country” Adelson and the bribery they have embarked upon.

But in the end, could it be we are not of the stuff of which the Founding Fathers (or the Zionists) were made?

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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