Differing Views On Meir Kahane

I read an interesting discussion between two of my Facebook friends.

Daniel: “Grind up their bodies [of Arab terrorists] and feed it to pigs. Wait for the pigs to excrete them. Put it all in a gift wrapped box and send it to Abbas with a note saying: “The future of Palestine”.

If the Israeli government had the wisdom to listen to the prophetic words of Rabbi Kahane and the balls to implement his ideas back in the 80’s, the thousands of holy Jews who were murdered by savage Arab scumbags would still be alive today. But the short sighted Israeli leaders of the time, whose fear of being called racists by the world overcame their duty to protect the lives of their citizens, made suicidal deals with terrorists. And despite their liberal policies and their foolishly giving away precious Jewish land, they were STILL called racists, while our people were being slaughtered. Only now is the government finally coming closer to Rabbi Kahane’s ideas. Unfortunately, not quickly enough.

I’ve heard the Rabbi speak many times throughout the 70’s and 80’s. His love for his people and his desire to protect them shone through in every speech. He spoke the truth about Jews and Arabs. But most people are incapable of accepting the truth, even when they’re staring right at it.

So, like many biblical prophets, his words were mostly ignored, and he became one of the many victims of the Arab terrorism he tried to prevent.

Some of the Jewish blood that was spilled these last three decades is on the hands of ignorant fools like Christoph Donnellan, who created an environment of undeserved hostility toward Rabbi Kahane, but, in fact, didn’t even deserve to be in the same room as him, may his memory be a blessing.”

Christoph Donnellan: Good expose of ‘Rabbi’ Kahane, ‘The False Prophet: Life and Times of Meir Kahane, by Robert I. Friedman. Google it.

He was a huckster and con artist who regularly did the Gefilte fish circuit in L.A. and NYC every time he needed money.

Half his speech in L.A to a bizarre audience of Ultra-Orthodox Jews, most of whom looked like extras from Fiddler on The Roof, he was asking for Gelt.

DANIEL: Christoph, you’re a lying piece of crap!

I attended many of Rabbi Kahane’s LA speeches. They were usually held in a synagogue called B’nai David-Judea, which was, at the time, Conservative. Not Orthodox. I don’t recall seeing one person in chasidic garb. The very large shul was filled to capacity with mostly Modern Orthodox and Conservative Jews, who were united in their concern for the welfare of Israel. And there were NO requests for money.

As a proponent of Arab terrorism against Israel, you are used to being lied to by the likes of Al Jazeera and the liberal media outlets that feed your inherent bias. Now, being the good little brainwashed propagandist you are, you fabricate your own outrageous lies, like the makeup of an audience you were never part of. But unlike your feeble minded friends, I WAS THERE, and I’m calling you out as the lier you so obviously are.

The terrorists murdered Rabbi Kahane, even though he was no longer in the Knesset, because he spread the light of truth on the darkness of Islamic lies.

Nowadays, more Israelis, including those in the Knesset, now understand the folly of peace talks with bloodthirsty savages and are waking up from their Oslo-induced comas and starting to admit Kahane was right. But back then, he was the only one with the guts to speak the truth. Those Arab rats knew they could not win their PR war when someone was shining the light of truth in their faces. So they snuffed that light out. And it’s taken a quarter of a century and thousands of lost Jewish lives for Israeli leaders to start rekindling that light.

Christoph Donnellan: ‘Terrorists’ didn’t murder the FBI informant, phony Rabbi, and associate of the mafia in NYC, Michael King aka ‘Meir Kahane,’ but some mentally ill Egyptian national. I went to a speech by ‘Kahane’ in 1988-89 out in the San Fernando Valley and the bulk of his audience were rather grubby Ultra-Orthodox Jews who looked and smelled as they had been alergic to soap and water for some time, and the venue was not a Synagogue. Other than the orthodox there were real life terrorists, some of whom are now deceased, from the Jewish Defense League (JDL).

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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