Why Does The US Import Muslim Terrorists?

A smart country would not allow in people from the third world and would not allow in Muslims but the United States has a deranged immigration policy.

Steve Sailer notes: “In contrast, the reigning dogma is that integration causes assimilation automatically: cultural osmosis. For example, plunk a lot of Somalis down in mild-mannered Minneapolis via refugee programs and soon the only thing they’ll get passionate over is icefishing.”

Muslims tend to have low-IQs and do much of their recruiting from blacks.

The NYT: For Jihad Recruits, a Pipeline From Minnesota to Militancy

I can’t think of any country in the past 200 years who has been improved by the presence of Muslims. What country became more Muslim and more free? What community has become more black and more prosperous?

Why are we taking unnecessary chances with the United States of America?

Enderby writes: “Is there any US politician that would demand Somalis etc. who go wage Jihad should have their visas, green cards or citizenship revoked?”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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