What Can Jews Do To Promote The Safety & Security & Prosperity Of Their People?

I believe the answers to this question would apply equally to other groups, such as blacks, whites, Mexicans, Chinese, Hmong, etc.

* Have children and raise them to be proud of their heritage. Surround them with other people of their heritage. Send them to schools that educate them in their heritage. Discourage unnecessary contact and relationships with outsiders. Discourage inter-marriage.

* Form bonds with other members of your group. Get together frequently. Participate in common rituals. Study texts from your tradition. Eat traditional foods. Frequently contrast the superiority of your group with the inferiority of outsiders. Regard outsiders as unclean.

* Make lots of money and support your people’s causes and schools and institutions. Find jobs for your fellows. Volunteer to help out your own kind. Look after your own kind first. Charity begins at home.

* Think about your ancestors and how they sacrificed themselves for future generations.

* Devote your resources to the education and socialization of the young.

* Say one thing to insiders and one thing to outsiders. Cultivate strategic relationships with outsiders. Be careful who you include in your circle of trust.

* Jared Taylor writes in his book White Identity: “In the United States, race and racial consciousness are experienced in very different ways by different groups. Most non-whites take pride in their race and cultivate racial consciousness. They show solidarity for other members of their race, and do not hesitate to work for explicitly racial ends. Whites do the reverse: They condemn white racial pride and shun anyone who would work for explicitly “white” goals.”

* Whites can learn from Jews and blacks who are often obsessed with their identities.

Black journalist Anthony Jenkins wrote for the Washington Post: “Blackness… is a state of common spiritual idealism that serves to unite the group for the purpose of survival. Putting it another way that’s less of a mouthful, there is not one person of color who can separate himself or herself from the rest of the people of color.”

Another black writes for the Post: “Oh, I attend a mostly black church. I have a black wife. Black kids. And as a journalist, I write mostly about black people. My mama is black. My car is black. I buy black. I vote black. I think black. Still, I can’t help but wonder if I wasn’t once blacker.”

Black law professor Roy Brooks wrote: “African Americans need to spend less time trying to live next to whites and employ more energy striving to live together.”

There’s a great credo for all groups — spend less time trying to socialize with outsiders and more time with each other.

* Jared Taylor writes: “And yet, can readers think of instances in which blacks publicly urged other blacks to set aside racial concerns, to consider themselves Americans first, and to work for the good of all? When have black authority figures expressed regret for even the most horrific anti-white crimes? When have blacks praised diversity if it meant giving up black majorities? How many wealthy blacks make charitable donations to broadly American rather than explicitly black institutions? When has a black person publicly chided other blacks for excessive concern with narrowly black issues? Blacks differ from whites both in what they say and do and they do not say or do.”

Jews would not respond well to Jews who urged them to be Americans first, Jews second. Jews would not respond well to any Jew who urged them to think of humanity first and their own people second. No proud group would. Every successful group thinks of itself first.

Taylor: “Blacks nourish and take pride in an intense, combative racial consciousness. It is only a matter of time before this gives rise to an increasingly explicit white racial consciousness.”

* MECHA’s motto is Por la Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada: “For the race, everything. For those outside the race, nothing.”

Jared Taylor writes: The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), set up in 1968 by break-away LULAC members, was modeled on the NAACP-Legal Defense Fund. It has litigated in support of social benefits for illegal aliens, for affirmative action for Hispanics, and against border control, but it appears to have larger aspirations. One of its first executives was Mario Obledo, who has also served as California secretary of health and welfare. In an interview on radio station KIEV in Los Angeles on June 17, 1998, he warned listeners: “We’re going to take over all the political institutions of California. California is going to be a Hispanic state and anyone who doesn’t like it should leave. If they [whites] don’t like Mexicans, they ought to go back to Europe.” That same year, President Bill Clinton awarded Mr. Obledo the Medal of Freedom…

Professor José Angel Gutierrez of the University of Texas explained his views to a Hispanic audience in 1995: “We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. It’s a matter of time. The explosion is in our population. You must believe that you are entitled to govern … Se estan cagando cabrones de miedo! (They [whites] are sh****** in their pants with fear.) I love it!”

* Jared Taylor writes in his book White Identity: America Libre (Free America), a novel by Raul Ramos y Sanchez, is set in a future in which heroic Hispanics slaughter repulsive whites wholesale on their way to creating an independent all-Hispanic nation in the American West. America Libre won the 2009 International Latino Book Award and was promoted in Latina magazine.”

* We can admire the example of Asians. “Asians are also the least likely of any racial or ethnic group to commit crimes. In every category, whether violent crime, white-collar crime, alcohol, or sex offenses, they are arrested at about one-quarter to one-third the rate of whites, who are the next most law-abiding group.” (Taylor)

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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