Islam & Freedom

For 20 years, I’ve watched Jews pour into inter-faith dialogue with Muslims and then give up on it, realizing it is useless. Not every racial or religious group is equally likely or capable of assimilating into the First World. I know of no country that has become more Muslim and more free. What are some exceptions to this rule?


The average income of working age Somali immigrants in Minnesota is $13.800, or about one third(!). As a comparison, one third of the average American income is Mexico.

More than half of Somali immigrants in Minnesota are below the poverty line.

Only one half of Somali immigrants in Minnesota work.

Those who work earn $21.000 per year, compared to $46.000 for Minnesotans on average.

The median income of Somalis that work is $12000 per year, or about 9000 Swedish kronor per month (using 9 kronor to a dollar as a PPP-adjusted conversion rate).

The conclusion that this data tells us is that Somali immigration to Minnesota has been a complete disaster from the perspective of Minnesota.

A group that earn one third of average income cannot possibly be a net contributor to the public sector (in the U.S those with low income pay virtually no taxes, yet consume public services).

A group that earns one third of average income and where half live in poverty is not a success story for other countries to be inspired by.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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